In need of my alpha (Rusame)

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Helloooooo💕 Yup another Rusame one😅😁 But honestly I'm kinda in the mood for Rusame so I am liking this. Okay so this chapter is a very awesome concept and I will probably love doing this🥺 If you do like books like these (omegaverse/werewolf) books then please go read my other fanfic, My broken mate. If anyone is interested in that (It's a Prucan fanfic) you can ask for the description in the comments. But anyway let's continue on with the wonderful Annaloveshetalia and I do hope you enjoy your chapter😁💕


If you like Angel x demon books please go follow High_Elf-Kinky_Pixie (guess which one am I🤣). This account is a shared account for my friend and I who has been wanting to do a book together since forever. We are working very hard on the first chapter of our book called 'The Angel's feather in the Demon's hat'. I will do Paisly's POV and she does Onyx's POV. So please if you do like my writing style go follow this account as my friend has an even better style. So this is gonna be a very good book

⚠️Chapter includes: Spanking kink, Toys are used as a major part in this. Slight bondage. Omegaverse, human names are used. A lot of angst in this chapter. Mentions of Spain x Portugal because the person who suggested it was so kind and understanding. Dirty talk is used. A lot of aftercare and just fluff. Mentions of UsUk and Rochu⚠️

BTW. A mate if you haven't read any werewolf books is basically a term that describes a wolf's soulmate. Losing your (soul) mate can make a wolf go into a depressive state😁💕

Alfred's POV

I look at the calendar as a sudden feeling of dread came from the pits of my stomach. I sigh. You see I lost my mate, Arthur a year ago. He died in a car accident. Yes yes werewolves do live amongst humans and we hide ourselves very well. Yes we can change into a werewolf at will, during a full moon is just when the need to change, some werewolves taught themselves how to resist the urge, weaker wolves can't do that. Before Arthur died we had been married for 4 years. Now going home every day without anyone to go home to is very depressing.

I haven't laughed, much less smiled at all the last year. They only people who ever saw me smile was Kiku, Matthew and my boss Ivan. Those three though has been the most supportive. Kiku isn't a werewolf, instead he is a cat hybrid meaning instead of changing into a wolf he changes into a cat. His mate has an obsession with cats. Matthew is a werewolf like I am...well technically we are brothers. He hasn't found a mate yet but he never lost hope. And then finally there is Ivan...

Where do I begin to explain Ivan...

Ivan is my boss. He has been my boss for 5 years. I started working for him when Arthur and I started living together. We always bickered and teasingly would turn into our wolf forms and play with each other. Surprisingly both Arthur and I were omegas. Usually omegas are mated to alphas or betas. But Arthur and I were the rare pairings where we are both omegas. Anyway back to Ivan. He lost his mate a year before I started working for him.

At first he was so cold and distant towards me and rarely spoke to me, just a few minor glances. At first I was worried he hated me till Arthur who just so happened to be 'friends' with Francis who was friends with Ivan told me that his mate had died. After that he started to become more happy and positive. I remember I always felt sorry for him as I could never imagine what pain he went through with the loss of his mate Yao-Yao as Ivan always called him. But I can never seem to get that day, the fateful day that Arthur died out of my head...

Flashback brought to you by what is it with me and flashbacks nowadays~

Alfred's POV

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