I hate (love) my teasing boyfriend (Khimchiburger)

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Hello💕 And yup this one is going to be hilarious to write! I hope you enjoyed this and this was suggested by AZHCOMIXS so enjoy! Surprisingly so far I haven't had online classes but I start on Thursday😭😭😭 Does anyone know some good Lams or Mullet fanfics? I'm currently invested in DEH, Hamilton and Six so yeah😅 Oh yeah!!! For anyone interested I have recently started a new Gerita and Spamano fanfic called Most important love so check that out as well if ya want. Anyway let's continue💕

America's POV

I was busy making omelettes for my boyfriend and I as I thought of our relationship. Our relationship is what others would call strange and weird. We started dating because China gave him to me to babysit while he was going away on 'vacation' and since then we've been really good friends. It soon changed when once I saved him from getting run over (he was too in thought following China so he didn't realize the car till I pulled him back and away from the car). I was admittedly very shaken up and confessed my feelings straight after that, afraid it actually happened and I never got to tell him. He said he loved me as well so we started dating soon after that.

Things got off on a rocky start. His brother, North Korea, didn't approve and almost forced us to break up but we kept dating in secret. China also didn't approve but after seeing us happy together he figured that all that matters is that South Korea is happy. We also got into a lot of fights since we are way too teasing for our own good but now we understand that we really do love each other and the teasing is just a way to show it. After that everything was back to normal. One weekend we spend at his place and the next at mine. We are currently at his but I'm making breakfast since he was too tired to do anything. He's been sick lately so I took care of him. He has gotten better over the course of a few weeks.

(A/N Just like with the South Korea and Japan one, from now on when I say Korea I mean South Korea unless I specifically state North)

I was humming softly to myself as I made the omelettes for us. I was surprised when I felt hands go up my tank top. I was surprised and was about to punch or kick the person but smiled when I see the small curl that is formed in a heart with the small face in the middle. "Warm..." Korea hummed in approval his hands still up my shirt and him snuggled into my back. I gently squeeze his hand before continue making the omelettes. "Your hands are cold~" I whined and pouted as he chuckles. "My personal heater," he mumbled snickering as I roll my eyes but smile at his comment.

"Are you still okay from last night?" I ask concerned as I looked down at him. Our first time was last night and I was so worried I went too rough on him. It's even worse since I have super strength. "I'm fine Alfred. Next time you use your full strength," he glared at me as he pouted. "Maybe. Depends if I'm in a rough mood~" I stated in a smooth and husky voice making him shiver and hold me closer, hiding his blushing face in my back. I chuckled at his reaction making him pout. I was about to tell him breakfast was ready until he accidentally touch my sensitive part...

No not my curl, though that was also sensitive...

It was my chest, more specifically my pecs. I had realized that he liked touching people's chest. Sometimes people found it annoying but I found it quite adorable. He always hugs me from behind and praised my abs. He has never went this far up though...

"Hmm so muscly~ It's actually quite hard but at the same time so squishy~" Korea teased as I blushed and tried to keep my moans in. "Sh-shut up~" I try to keep my moan in as he chuckles probably seeing my hardened member and my tensing mumbles. "So hard already~ I hadn't even touched you~" He whispered smoothly into my ear as he rubbed my pecs, sometimes tweaking my nipples. I moan loudly at that as I leaned into his touch. "Feels good huh?~ Maybe I'll top today?~" He smirked against my neck as he kissed over the hickeys he already left.

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