Day 16: Lingerie (Lietpol)

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Helloooo💕 So requests came in yesterday so I'm going to do those before I continue with my self chosen ones. This was suggested by Czechia_APH so I hope you enjoy this! And this is the outfit (The black part is just described as white in the fanfic btw):

 This was suggested by Czechia_APH  so I hope you enjoy this! And this is the outfit (The black part is just described as white in the fanfic btw):

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Poland's POV

"Hey Liet!" I scream as I see my secret crush enter the house. My bright smile soon turned to a frown as I see roses in his hand that looked pretty much ruined and his fingers were broken. "Hello Poland. Sorry I just want to be in my room for a while," he smiled at me as he left for his room, locking the door once he was inside. I look to his room as I sigh. What could make him so upset? Plus why did he have broken fingers and ruined roses?

I suddenly remember this morning he said he wanted to ask someone something. Originally I thought it was to do with work so I never bothered to ask. It soon hit me like a train as I realized he probably asked someone out. I pick up a petal that fell off as I realize it was Belarus's favorite flower. I felt my heart break as I thought he preferred girls. But for now I'm not going to think about that! I need to make sure the love of my life is happy!

What to do? What to do? What to do? What the hell am I supposed to do?! Oh I can give him his favorite flowers! No they will remind him of the failed proposal... I know I can ask him out for a date! No wait...he doesn't swing that way.

I face palmed as I continue walking through the house. Movies? No. Video games? No. Food? No. Nothing will work!!! I continued pacing while looking down. I started to get paranoid and concerned hearing crying from Liet's room. I looked up and saw myself in the mirror. I looked myself up and down as I realize that I have quite a feminine body. I suddenly got an idea as I grab my keys and head to the local lingerie store. I can make myself look like a girl to replace the one who rejected him!

I continued looking through the woman section as I gasped seeing something that would be perfect. It was a white dress with red lint on the bottom of the skirt part and there was a portion of the top which was also red with a red rose. The straps and top part of the dress (so to speak) was frilly. There was a white g-string sown into it. I smile taking on in my size as I buy red fishnet stockings as well as red high heels. The store clerk obviously mistook me for a girl as I smile a little. I drive home as the thoughts travelled through my head.

When I got home I quickly got dressed in the lingerie. I smile noticing I have quite a curvy figure making me look even more like a girl. I put on the high heels as I tie my hair in two pigtails. Let's hope this works!

I made my way to his room still hearing his cries. I sigh sadly as I knocked on the door. "Liet! Can I please come in?" I ask trying to sound as girlish as possible, which wasn't hard. I hear sniffles and shuffles as he probably tried to hide his tears or stop them. "Of course Poland. Come in if you'd like," he called as I breathed on and then out again. I was nervous. Like what if he thinks I'm weird and hates me. Or he uses me. Welp here goes nothing...

I open the door as I realize the shuffling was probably from Liet opening the door. I tried to show a lot of confidence in hopes it will make me look attractive. Liet stared at me surprised as a light blush tinted my cheeks. "Poland what are you wearing?" He asked as I smirk at him. I climb on top of him as he was laying down in the bed. Liet blushed darkly as I smirk seeing he wasn't objecting. "I thought this can help you cheer up a bit," I smile sincerely. He blushed even more but he smiled a little. "Thanks Poland," he smiled as I smiled even brighter and kissed him a bit. He was surprised but kissed back happily. He switched our positions so he pinned me down.

He first discarded my heels and stockings. He started kissing down my neck as he gently caressed my thigh putting his hands underneath the dress. I hum and moan at the touches as he continued. Soon my clothes were discarded and were laying on the floor and his clothes were thrown in a pile at the corner of the room. He studied my body as I blush darkly but had difficulty trying to cover it since he is pinning my arms down. "Perfect..." He mumbled as he continued the light kissing and nibbling on my neck and chest. I blush even darker as I hum and moan.

His one hand was pinning me down as the other travelled down to my nipple as he started tweaking and playing with it. I moan as I arch my back into his touch. He smirked sucking on the one bud while plying with the other. He soon switched but got bored of it again as his hand travel down to my now exposed member. He started stroking it as I shivered and moaned at the touch. I decided to break out of his arms as I pinned him down.

I kissed and bit his chest lightly as I smile at his moans and hums. I soon got to his member as I start sucking and licking it. I hear his moans echo off the walls in his room as I jerk off to his moans. Soon he came in my mouth and I came into my hand, he smiled as he licked the come off my hand. "Thanks Poland I feel a little better. I don't think we can sleep here though," he motioned to the stain on the bed as I nodded in agreement but blushed anyway. He carried me to my room as we stayed there the night.

Even if he loves her more than he'll ever love me. I'm glad I made him happy at his lowest...

Oh my god it's like 6 minutes before midnight here! Sorry for the late chapter I was at my grandma's place. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and I'll probably add onto this later but thank you for reading! Till tomorrow

Bye bye💕

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