Day 5: Medical/Needle play + Bondage (Fruk/ UkFr)

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Hellooooo💕 Wow so this one is inspired by two requests. First the medical and needle play is hangryRoman and the bondage was requested by Sallyfacegarbage . Thank you so much for suggesting and like in the title, this will contain mentions of Ukfr (England topping). But I hope you enjoy💕😘

France's POV

We were at a meeting as I was kinda bored and...jealous? England, America and Russia were fighting over something and I was left out of it because it didn't concern me. Lately England has been ignoring me and it's been annoying me since I do have obviously unrequited feelings for him.

I sigh as I watch the scene for a while before accidentally falling asleep. Honestly because of my worrying that Arthur doesn't feel the same way has made me not take care of myself as I used to and I think I may be getting sick. But I didn't care as my mind falls into a black abyss while I slept. Arthur will never feel the same way...

England's POV

The meeting was finally over as everyone left. I notice France was still there and he was resting his head on his arm. I was really getting concerned for my French 'enemy'. Honestly I have been ignoring him and I do feel guilty but I don't want to get rejected if my feelings slipped out.

I stood up going over to the French man. I notice he was sleeping as I sit next to him. I notice he had dark rings under his eyes as well as he was a bit pale, which is odd since he normally has a light tan. I look at my secret crush concerned I gently stroke his long hair feeling it was kinda oily and dirty. My nose scrunched up in disgust, I was so used to his hair being clean and soft now I can barely comb my fingers through it. I sighed as I looked at him concerned. "Love what happened to you...?" I ask more to myself.

"Hmmm Angleterre... What did you say?" His eyes open as I notice just how tired he was, I felt my heart break a little seeing him in this state. "I didn't say anything frogface! I was just about to tell you how much I hate you!" I tried to be defensive as I see he was silently packing his stuff up before heading to the door. "Hm you can't hate me more than I hate myself Angleterre..." he muttered as he was about to leave the room. My heart broke at his words as I ran up to him. I pull him into a hug as I didn't want to let go.

He was surprised but he smiled and hugged back. "I thought you said you hated me," he mumbled as I held him tighter. "France it's been what now more than century that we've known each other. You know I could never really hate you," I smiled at him as he smiled back. "Alright whatever you say Arthur," he sighs still hugging me.

I suddenly grabbed his hand as I made my way to my car. "Where are we going Angleterre?" He asks curiously. "We're going to my house. You look like you haven't been taken care of yourself so I would have to do that," I explained not expressing my concerns for him. France sighed not arguing with the command.

We soon made it to my house as I lead him to my room. I gently placed him on the bed as I quickly went to make some food...yeah they are burned. I can't give him this!!! God I'm such a wanker. "Having a problem there Arthur?" I hear from behind me as I see France leaning against the door frame. I glared at him and ushered him back to the room. "Now stay here! I'll be done with food in a sec," I demanded and ran down stairs.

I sighed looking through the fridge. Well there is the English breakfast I have left over from when Romano was teaching me how to make food. I take it and heat it up. After I deemed it hot enough I put it in a plate and take it to the French man.

Once I made it to him, I notice he was sleeping. I smiled and gently stroked his hair sitting by the edge of the bed. France wakes up soon after and looks at me as I blush and hand him the plate. "I made it a few days ago! With Romano. He is giving lessons," I smile nervously at him. I wanted to learn how to bake so I can impress France. He smiled as he hesitantly started eating.

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