Purify him (Rusame)

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Helloooo💕 Yup hopefully my lazy ass gets this chapter out asap. Honestly I've been looking forward to this one for so long so to say I'm excited to write this would be an understatement. Alright so this was suggested by @Neko246811. For some reason I can't find your account or comment anywhere so for in case I missed something please tell me in the comment section and I'll add or change it. Anyway hope you enjoy this💕❄

⚠️Demon! Ivan and Angel! Alfred. Mentions of major character death (suicide) and selling your soul to Satan. This contains bondage kink. This also contains scenes of choking as well⚠️

Alfred's POV

I am a demon purifier. Don't now what that is? Well it means just what the word says. I purify demons. I make them good and sort out their problems. Once that is sorted out they will become angels and live in heaven. See? Not that complicated. Now a demon can either pay us to purify him or sometimes a demon is forced to be purified.

Of course it's not always easy to purify a demon, with some demons it is near impossible to change their ways. I always hated dealing with 'patients' like that. Nothing you ever do is good enough for them. And usually they are just, excuse my French, fucking assholes. That's why when I read the file my brother, Arthur a superior angel, gave me I groaned out loud.

"Why Artie? I just dealt with a difficult case, I need some relax time as well you know..." I whined as the Brit glared at me.

"I know Alfred but luckily this one isn't a complete ass. Cocky and creepy yes, but he always made sure I was comfortable and felt safe," Arthur explained as I looked at him confused.

"Wait then why did you say here is is a difficult case?" I pointed to the red sticker on the top explaining that this case was a hard one (Red is hard case, Orange is medium case and green is an easy case).

"That's exactly the reason Alfred. He is very kind and loving, nothing like any other demon I've seen. He is supposed to be an angel by now but... I can't get him to change," Arthur explained as I sighed and looked down at his file.

"Maybe something is holding him back? You know if a demon doesn't want to change into an angel, most of the time then neither of us can help. I'll go but I can't promise I'll succeed..." I sighed and packed my stuff. He hugged me.

"Thanks Alfred I really owe you for this one. If after a month he doesn't change into an angel we are moving on," Arthur explained as I nodded stepping out of his office. I looked down at the demon's file while I walked to my office...

"Ivan Braginsky, a high class demon with a lot of riches. No lover and no children. Only family is a demon sister and another angel sister. Very kind and caring but can be cocky and creepy when something triggers him. Well Ivan let's hope I can make you better..."

Mini time skip~

Ivan's POV

I hate angels...

I mean like...

Some angels are genuinely so kind and sweet but other just believe they are better than you and you don't deserve to breath the very same air they breath. I have to say my favorite angel so far has to be Arthur. He was kind and unlike all the other angels he didn't rush me. Even though I tried to make him hate me he just continued trying. After a few days of trying I gave up and showed him my genuine caring side. I thought for once that this angel was going to make me turn...

The only problem is...

I don't want to change into something so good and pure...

Not after what I did...

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