Day 24: Fingering/ Scissoring (Demon!Pruaus)

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Helloooo💕 So this one might be late because I'm going to go out in a few minutes so anyway! This was suggested by MushyBakaBooks so I hope you enjoy!

Roderich's POV

I sighed as my wings flapped in the wind as I gently placed my feet on the ground. My best friend Elizabeta soon following putting her bow away. "I definitely got him but where is he?" She asked looking around searching for the demon. You see we were attacked by demons and Elizabeta managed to shoot one with her bow. I sigh a bit. When I became an angel I never knew I must hurt someone, even if they are demons. I notice leaves scattered all over as I looked at a tree with less leaves than normal (considering it's summer). "Eliza go tell the man upstairs that we got all the demons by the East gate. I'll do more patrol here and you can ask if Ludwig can accompany you at the West gate," I suggested as she nodded in understanding flying up to heaven.

I sigh going to the tree seeing the injured demon. He had a few arrows through his wings and one arrow going through his chest. I wince a bit seeing how close it was to his heart. I sighed kneeling down next the demon. I notice he had snow white hair and his eyes were squeezed shut in pain, his teeth gritted also in pain. I sigh and looked at him sadly. Personally in my human life I wasn't always a saint, I as a teen was arrested a couple of times because I stole stuff, not wanting to buy it. But my life turned around and I'm glad I got to go to heaven. I don't believe that anyone should go to hell or that anyone deserves such punishment.

I gently put his head in my lap as I lean down to him. "Hey I want to help you. This is going to hurt for a while but I promise I'll try to be as quick as possible," I promise as I feel him relax a bit. "," he requested in what sounded like an Eastern German accent. I was surprised but nodded. I quickly pulled out the arrows on the wings healing it with my angel powers. Elizabeta is good at aim and fighting and I'm her healer. All the angels say I'm weak because I can't fight but I really couldn't care less. He winced all the times I pulled an arrow out making me apologize and heal it. Soon I was busy with the arrow in his chest. I did this one slower so I don't cut or harm his vital organs. This one seemed to cause him the most pain as he whimpered a bit and covered his mouth so he doesn't scream. "Sorry," I apologized once the arrow was out. I quickly healed it, both of us sighing in relief as he wasn't in pain anymore.

Gilbert's POV

I sighed in relief as the pain was finally gone. I opened my eyes and was about to say thank you but realized it was one of the angels who originally shot me down. I growl and pin him to the ground. "Why did you shoot me and then try to save me? You know I can take your purity right here and now," I growled at him as I bit his neck to prove my other point. He stayed emotionless though at the bite his back arched a bit as a hum escaped his lips, one of his feathers falling to the ground. "I know. And the one who shot you was my friend, I have no ability to hurt you. I don't like seeing angels, people and demons in pain, so I try to help," he explains as I glare at him, letting him go. "What do you ask for in return?" I ask curiously. "To not take away my purity, no I'm just kidding...kinda. I do it mostly because I want to," he shrugs it off as he goes to the tree's roots, healing it making all the leaves grow back and a few apples to fall. He catches two, handing one to me.

I smile a bit taking it. "So what's your name angel?" I ask him curiously. "For reasons I don't want to get punished in heaven, call me anything you'd like," he sits next to me. "So I can call you mine," I smirk at him seeing him blush. "Not at all, please don't call me that," he protested as my smirk only grew. I cup his cheek slightly a smirk playing at my lips. "Beg," I simply answered as my pointy tail prodded at his clothed entrance. He moans as more feathers fell, making me feel kinda sorry. " way not begging," he refused. "Fine I'll call you angel," I sighed letting go of him.

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