Annoying America (RusAmeChu)

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Hellooooo💕 Guess who's finally back again!!! Yes I know it's been soooo long! Anyway but all the suggestions made before the release of this chapter will be filled. If you suggest after this release I might take longer to update it. But for now let's continue! Plus check out the A/N on the end of the chapter for important information! Anyway this was suggested by 112O11 so I hope you enjoy it! (Sorry for the exclamation marks, I'm just very excited)

America's POV

I groaned in annoyance hearing the commotion from outside. "Communism is the best!" "Communism for the win!" I got more annoyed as time went by. I finally had enough as I opened my front door looking at the two nations who caused the chaos.

"For God's sake don't you have something better to do on Christmas?!" I scream at them as they smile seeing how annoyed I was. "Not in the slightest!" Russia and China screamed an answer as I groaned. I took the communists flag as they both pouted. I sigh still holding the flags. "Dudes if you were so lonely and bored on Christmas you could've just asked me you know?" I lectured them as I lead them into my house. China took of his jacket leaving him in his normal uniform while Russia just stayed in his long coat and scarf. I knew Ukraine knitted the scarf and it was precious to him but I don't get why he keeps the coat on. 'Probably a Russian thing' I thought to myself.

I let them sit on my couch as I made China tea, for Russia I made hot cocoa and for myself I made coffee. I sat next to them as I put on some soft music so the room isn't silent. I was sitting between them with a bowl of chips on my lap. They all drank their drinks in silence. "Why do you two always try to annoy me on Christmas?" I ask looking at the two countries. "Well we have nothing better to do." "And plus it's way better seeing your annoyed face than being home alone all day." They both answered as I shrugged. China used to hang out with his family but I doubt they see each other on Christmas, all of them being with friends or lovers. Everyone is afraid of Russia so no one invites him to Christmas parties, plus everyone thought he was still partied out from his birthday a few days prior (truth is: he really isn't. No one really shows up for his parties).

"What about you America? It seems quiet this year?" Russia noted, noticing the Christmas decorations weren't put on as big as years prior. "I don't know. This year is just boring, you know? It's like everyone isn't in the mood for Christmas like in the past. It's just...bland. No one's doing something big," I shrugged. It's true. The only 'party' he heard about is the BTT, Italy brothers and Germany is going to have a Christmas dinner to celebrate Gerita and Spamano (As Japan calls it. Don't ask me what it means, I wouldn't know). Russia and China nodded, knowing what I meant. Christmas seemed mellow this year which is quite odd.

It was silent for a while as no one knew what to say. The only things that could be heard was the soft Christmas tunes on the radio. "Hey what about we play who's most likely to," I suggested having no other ideas and it could make us understand each other better. They seemed to agree not knowing what else to do. And so the game of true embarrassment started.

"Most likely to have a masturbation addiction?" It was China's turn to ask the question. People usually say he's wise but he is outright a pervert. "I would say France but out of us...America," Russia answered as I looked at him surprised and offended. "No way dude!" I brushed it off pouting. They laughed a bit at my reaction. "Most likely to be a sex addict?" I asked looking at them. The two pointed to me. "How?!" I ask confused. "Well let's just say. Your addiction got...out of hand," Russia joked as China was lying down on the floor with the amount of laughing. "Ha ha ha," I laughed sarcastically folding my arms.

"Most likely to have a threesome?" Russia asked as we all thought. "Well out of us all America, England and France seems to fit in that category," China answered as I gasped. "No way I would have sex with those two. They would fucking argue over who tops," I pout a bit. "Most likely to still be a virgin?" I asked smirking. Everyone knew China was a 4000 year old virgin from the time we watched 40 year old virgin. China glared at me and flipped me off. "Fuck you," he simply stated as I smirked. "You don't have to tell me what you want to do~" I smirk as they stared at me surprised.

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