The fine art of being a nerd (Norpan)

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Hellooo💕❄ Second Japan one in a row, wow😂 Okay I can't find the person who suggested this for the life of me so if you know you suggested this and want something more just comment on this one and I'll redo it. Anyway so because I can't find who requested this I'm gonna leave them anonymous until further notice so let us continue😁

⚠️Country AU, Dom Norway, Sub Japan. Slight role play, sex toys are used. OOC Norway ( actually I have no idea so maybe). Like I said if you requested this and you want something taken out or something added please tell me and I'll do it⚠️

Japan's POV

"Dude you okay? You seem really red, you coming down with a fever? Should I social distance?" Alfred teases as I grit my teeth knowing what he says is true, I must be really red in the face right now and shifting constantly. "Of course not Alfred, I'm no-ah-t sick," I objected having to stop myself from moaning. Luckily he couldn't hear my moans and my whines or the vibrating sound over the loud music. He raised an eyebrow, to tease me even more he took the shield from the Captain America he was cosplaying covering his mouth. I roll my eyes making him chuckle. "Okay but in all seriousness dude if you feel nervous in this situation go to my room right upstairs and relax a bit before coming back," he suggested as I looked back at the glistening purple eyes staring at me, a small but noticeable smirk playing at his lips. "Yeah...I think that's a good idea," I mumbled trailing my way there.

You see every year a costume party is held for Halloween, although this year's one is very early October is very busy for us so Alfred decided for in case something happens he'll have a party now and maybe on Halloween we just wear costumes to work. So this is where we are now, at Alfred's house having a huge party. I was dressed as a neko meanwhile my boyfriend was dressed in his normal rogue cosplay he uses for his DnD games with England and Romania. Yes beyond all unlikely hoods we ended up together after discovering we are both very big nerds. I think it was right after a meeting where our story starts...

Flashback~ (Still Japan's POV)

It was right after a meeting one Winters day, the snow softly falling to the ground. I was walking the halls of the meeting building searching for the personification of Norway's office. Once I got the the door I can hear a familiar melody coming from inside the room's confinements. I almost couldn't believe my ears when I heard the Sailor Moon intro softly knocking on the door to grab whoever's attention that was inside. The music immediately stopped and shuffling was heard. I swallow softly and stood up back when they opened the door.

It was Norway. "Oh Japan, is there something you needed?" He asked as I let out a rare small smile. "Just here to give you a few papers...but you mind if I watch Sailor moon with you?" I ask feeling my cheeks heat up at my suggestion. After a while of completely silence (where I was starting to freak out thinking I did something wrong. Soon he shrugged and opened the door further so I can be let in. I step inside and was immediately welcomed by the smell of popcorn. He moved furniture around so we were both sitting on the couch watching the laptop where Sailor moon was playing as we kept talking about the series, soon developing into something much more.

It surprised me one day where he came in Tuxedo Mask cosplay to a meeting and asked elm out with flowers and my favorite food. I at the time was in shock and almost passed out but instead smiled in victory and hugged him close nodding my head almost immediately after a while of shock. Everyone cheered and since then we are known as one of the few nations who were dating someone else. We always visit each other and cosplay or just cuddle and watch movies.

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