Everything will be perfect... (Rusame)

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Hellooooo💕 I've been so excited for this chapter! I can't tell you how much I will like doing this chapter. I haven't done Rusame for a long time so I will enjoy this. Oh yeah the teaser I mentioned last chapter will be out in a few more chapters, but for now I'm just going to focus on the suggestions that have been piling up. Anyway this was suggested by GayHetaliaFanGirl so I hope you enjoy your chapter💕

⚠️Mentions of murder and robbery. Also mentions of a crime organization (In this case you can pay them to do something for you like murder, robbery, blackmail, stalking and so on). Vanilla sex in the beginning, At the end it's mentions of eating someone out as well as overstimulation. A bit of angst. Russia being a bit OOC, probably. Human AU so characters use human names⚠️

Alfred's POV

He pushed me down on the bed as I laugh happily when he pinned me down. I laughed for a while till blue eyes met purple eyes, my laughter died down as I smoothed his cheeks. All of a sudden I realize this might be the last time we touch each other. I didn't even notice I was crying till he wiped away the stray tears. He held me close as we both lied down on the bed just holding onto each other as I sobbed into his chest. "Please don't go... You can live with Matthew and I," I beg him as he sighs kissing my forehead. "Alfie you know I have to go, I have no choice," he sighed as I only continue to sob in his chest.

You see we have been dating for two years, since I first asked him out for Valentine's Day after a long time of him tutoring me. He is going back to Russia tomorrow and this is the last night we are allowed to spend time with each other. He suddenly pinned me down again and kissed away my tears. "Hey we're not supposed to spend our last night together crying. Let's do it and then cuddle while we eat pizza and watch a movie," he suggested as I smiled wiping away my tears away as I nodded. "I would like that very much..." I mumble as he smiled and kissed me deeply.

Every touch...

Every kiss...

Every breath...

Every time he thrusted into me at an inhuman pace....

Every moan that came out of my mouth...

Every beautiful comment and dirty talk coming out of his mouth...

Every stop of my heart as he whispers 'I love you' in the huskiest of all voices

Every time I breathed in his delicious scent...

It feels like I'm on a roller coaster...

I'm now at the very peak of the roller coaster but tomorrow the real roller coaster will begin as everything comes crashing down...

As I feel his arms wrap around me for the last time...

As my tears hit he scarf he always wears, staining it in salty water...

As the car he climbed into finally starts and leaves for the airport...

It's then that all the emotions hit me like a fucking train...

In that moment I would've rather been hit by the fucking train...

I finally realize...

He is actually gone...

I shake the memories from my head as I look up at the tall building making sure my jacket is tightly wrapped around me as the blistering cold snow hit my body. My blue eyes scanned the building as I hid my face in my scarf. Why does it have to be so fucking cold here? I groan just loud enough for me to hear as I open the door of the building. Almost immediately the heat of the building engulfed me as I took off my coat and scarf placing it on the stand near the door. Now I was in a my normal attire. A white shirt and a blue blazer with matching blue tie and trousers.

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