Doujinshis (Ameripan)

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Hellooooo💕 This is a ship/ plot line I've wanted to do for so long but never got the chance to do something like that so thank you ever much to
K-i-n-k-y-AJ  and abcdehanna for requesting this. It's extremely rare that I get this ship (or any ship with Japan generally. Also this is the first Ameripan chapter ever) so I'm so excited to get this started☺️😍

⚠️ Scenes of masturbation, BDSM (Bondage), Roleplay (Japan in a maid outfit😉), Dom! America and Sub! Japan. Country names are used since this is a normal AU. This chapter is going to be a mix between long and short (isn't going to be that long, isn't going to be short)⚠️

PSA: If you want a list of my personal favorite doujinshis ask in the comment section and maybe we can share doujinshis the others will like. Also do you guys want me to do another Q&A but just about this smut book. (Example: What was you favorite chapter writing? Which took the most time? Which one fucked up your browser history the most? Etc) I know I'm doing a lot of A/N's and very few people read it but I want to know how you guys feel☺️

America's POV

I promise it started off as a normal meeting! I promise you it really did start of normal... Actually no I can't really say that since from the beginning you can tell something was up and not...normal. You see during the month of Valentine's (aka February) the nation's get extremely... how would humans say this...horny... I think that's how humans refer to the feeling of butterflies in your stomach where heat is also pooling up in your stomach, your chest clenching and of course the need...the absolute need for someone to take you just then and there...

The reason for this of course is it's Valentine's! Our personalities and feelings are defined by what our people feel. If they feel sad, we feel sad. If they are happy, we are happy. Now take the month of love and lust where most couple get together or they make love, as humans refer to it. This makes the nation extremely horny as that's how most of the people feel. Honestly that's probably the worst part of being a nation, feeling the emotions of thousands of people like they were your own...

Most nations pair up during this time as it makes them feel completed. It's up to which couple it is though as some decide they want to continue the relationship or some just wants to use the other during these months. I've always wanted to ask out my crush Japan but I'm scared he doesn't have the same affections. He rarely shows his true emotion...though he does seem happier around me...

I shake off the thought as my mouth hung open at the sight of the manga as they call it in Japanese. Well Japan did once say Doujinshis could also be a name for this but then again that's just if the comic is based off of a show or uses characters from a show that's already a thing. Each year one nation is tasked with helping the others through this 'heat' period. Whether that is sex toys, magazines, small gifts, actually setting them up, or partnering up with them. This year it was Japan's turn and he gave us each free subscriptions to manga websites where we can read hentai and gave us each three hard copies to keep us...occupied...

"What is wrong America-San? If you want we can switch ours if you're unhappy with yours," Japan questioned and suggested probably seeing my shocked and blushing face. I cleared my throat as all the nations stared at me with anticipation. "Nothing is wrong... Thanks a lot dude," I smile at him my face still covered in a cherry red blush. Japan looked at me as even I notice he had a shimmer in his once dull eyes. What caused this small spark, we might never know....

Most people the rest of the meeting talked with their partners discussing a good meet up time and what they want to do this month. Me, Japan and a few others didn't have a partner so they either texted someone or just looked through the manga. Meanwhile I was looking through this one book that browsed the topic of sex toys and different role-play techniques. Japan was sitting next to me looking through the extras he had left. Japan unlike the other nations never showed he was horny though you can clearly see he was.

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