Day 18: First time (Hongice)

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Hellooooo💕 Sorry if this one is extremely late, I was out the whole day so I'm pretty much hella busy. Anyway this was suggested by LavenderHere so hope you enjoy💕

Emil's POV

I grunted as I made my way to my boyfriend Leon's place. Ever since I told him I'm still a virgin he's been bothering me about my virginity. It's not like I don't want to do... it, it's just...ugh. I've heard of so many relationships going wrong after sex since one of them decided to use the other for sex and fell out of love with them. I loved Leon and I do trust him. I just don't want him to leave me...

I sigh as I knock on his door. He opened it expecting me since I agreed to help him with his math. "1 entry fee is 1 virginity," he suggested as I glared at him. "Do you want help with your algebra or not," I glared at him as he sighed and let me through. We made our way to his room as we sat on the bed. We were almost done, just one more equation. I realize it's unsolvable. "Leon it's impossible to solve this one," I point to the equation. He smiles as he unfolds the paper. I see the equation turned into a note that said 'I love you'. I smile a bit as I lean into my boyfriend. "I love you too dear," I smile as I kiss his cheek. "I love you so much babe. Sex now please," he smiled and requested. I shied away again as he noticed.

"Oh god do the suggestions make you uncomfortable?" He asked concerned as I shook my head. "No...It's just that you might leave me if we have sex and I don't want that to happen since I love you too much to lose you," I ranted quickly as I look down ashamed while he only looked surprised. He smiled as he pinned me down on his bed kissing me gently. I was surprised but kissed back as I was kinda enjoying it. He soon pulls back as he smiled at me. "Babe I will never leave you. I love you too much for that. Are you sure you don't want to do this?" He smiles as I shake me head. "We can do it as long as you don't leave me," I smile as he nods kissing me again.

He kissed me down my neck as he started undressing me. I undressed him as we were both naked. I blushed a little but didn't complain as I put my arms around his neck. He smiles as he continues the feather light kisses making me giggle and hum as he touched sensitive skin. He grabbed the lube from the night stand as he pours some on his fingers. He kissed me gently and warned me that it is going to hurt, I only nodded as he pushed one finger in. It felt weird but pleasing, the second was painful but he started scissoring me when the pain disappeared making me moan loudly, the third was by far the most painful as I choked back a whine, little tears forming in my eyes. He kept his fingers still as he kissed away my tears apologizing a little. I nodded as he kissed me deeply.

I soon started to move on his fingers as it got pleasurable. I moaned into the kiss so he knows I'm ready. He nodded as he started to move a bit making me moan as I gripped his hair. He soon broke away from the kiss as he kissed my neck while stretching me as I moan loudly gripping him tighter not wanting to let go. He soon pulled his fingers out as I whine. I was just about to question him when I realize he had put lube on his member and was getting ready to put it in. "Ready babe? It will hurt a bit but like you saw earlier it does get better," he asks and reassures as he takes my hand. I gently hold it and nod,"I'm ready. Please just do it quickly."

He pushed inside of me as I winced and bit my lip so I don't scream. I squeeze his hand as he squeezed it back. Once he was fully in we both sigh in relief as I held him close. "I love you Leon, please don't leave," I beg as he smiled and nodded. "I love you too and I will never leave so don't worry," he smiles kissing my ear. Soon the pain disappeared as I experimented on moving a bit. I moaned loudly as I grip his hair and nodded signaling he can move. The thrusts were slow and steady so I can get used to it but as time went on my moans got more and louder as his thrusts got deeper, harder and faster.

"There! There! Oh god yes please," I beg as I guessed he hit my prostate. He smiled and nodded hitting that place every time making me moan and scream for more as I felt a heat pull in my stomach as I saw stars. "Leon!~ Please I'm ahh~ so close!~" I beg for more as he nodded and pumped my member with the thrusts. I soon gave into the pleasure as I released on my chest as well as his. He came within me as I smile and pant a bit. He pulled out and laid down next to me as he pulled me close.

He placed my hand by his heart as I feel it beating. "See I'm still here. And I promise you, only you make my heart pound this fast. Okay and maybe presentations but that's another story," he smiles as I giggle and cuddle into him. "I love you Leon. And I'm so glad your still here," I smile as he cuddles close. "And as am I," he smiled kissing my forehead as we fell asleep. Now a tough one to explain is why there stains on the algebra books...

Hellooo💕 Wow this one was so cute and good actually. Anyway I'm hell tired so I probably need to go to sleep.

Till tomorrow💕

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