Poisonous affair (2p! England x uke! Male! Reader)

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Hellooooo💕 Okay the last chapter was a total bust and I kind of hated it. But as promised this one will be way better and WAY kinkier! Like I said last time I suck at writing 'x reader' things so sorry if you dislike my writing style with these sort of fanfics. Well anyway this is suggested by BestIrishTwat so I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter💕

⚠️Yandere! 2p! England, Knife kink (no actual cutting), Death debating (literally no joke so just skip this if you dislike this), blood and gore, Allen being a complete jerk and a bit of a non-con scene (Allen groping and kissing you). The plot line for this story is really fucked up and I'm kinda ashamed of even publishing this⚠️

(Btw I just love how we went from zero warnings in the last one to this many in this chapter😂)

Y/N's POV (In this one you're a nation/city/state/province etc. So choose your one and use that)

I groan in the otherwise silent room. My head was pounding and I felt as if I had the meanest hangover ever, which if that was the reason would be pretty hard since I hold my liquor quite easily. I wanted to touch my head or rest my seemingly heavy head in my hands but something was wrong...

I couldn't move my arms...

I look behind me and notice (despite my blurry vision) I was tied up. I started to squirm and get free from the rope that was scratching my skin leaving red raw marks. I started screaming threats to anyone who would listen (was maybe very hard to make out my pleas since there was a cloth in my mouth to prevent exactly that) to just let me free, that I would do anything. Soon someone indeed walked in. I was about to beg and cry for them to let me free but they just stopped in front of me. I look up and realize there were two people there.

One of them had brown hair and tanned skin, he had a lip and eyebrow piercing. He had a bomber jacket on and held a nail embedded bat in one hand. He held his signature sly smirk as he checked me out, either biting his lip or playing with his lip ring with his tongue. I shivered under his gaze but it wasn't the sexual or flattered one, it was more one out of fright and disgust. To be fair I felt like puking right now but it seems that's because of whatever narcotics I was placed under. This man kinda looked like America, just way more intimidating and less childish. He doesn't have patience for childishness. You can sense that from his general aura.

Though all that didn't matter when the other one caught my eye. He had strawberry blonde hair...no wait maybe that's pink... Oh god I can't even tell, but what I can tell you is it just emphasizes his cheery smile and aura, in complete contrast with the man standing next to him. Also he had on a pastel pink dress shirt with a blue and pink vest. He had on those pants you'd suspect Patton from Sanders Sides would wear, those beige khaki pants. My eyes couldn't slip away from the f/c frosted cupcakes on the tray he is holding in his arms. He was just so adorable but I could definitely see a murderous side to him.

He placed the tray of frosted cupcakes on my lap like he was purposely trying to torture me. It's like leading a dog on by putting a bone in front of him but saying he can't touch it. The strange yet oddly charming blonde walked behind me and untied me. "Oh poppet, you shouldn't have struggled like that, your wrist look so bad. Allen go get the first aid so I can take care of this poor cupcake," the man cooed as usually I would deny what he said about me being a cupcake or whatever he said before that but my voice left me, I was too captivated...too too captivated by his adorableness.

When the brunette ran off (I could only assume his name was Allen since that's what the blonde man called him) ran to get the first aid kit. Once the man let go of my wrist after inspecting them I wanted to habitually rub and soothe the pain but when I started doing that I hissed and whimpered in pain as my raw flesh pulsated high levels of pain. "Oh dear. Poppet please let me take care of that," he assured and kneeled down in front of me, taking care of the wounds after Allen retrieved the first aid kit. He left the room after being told that by the man who was kneeling down in front of me. It seemed he was getting more annoyed by Allen checking me out than I originally was.

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