Day 19: Strip tease (Gerita/ Itager)

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Helloooo💕 The picture has nothing to do with the fanfic but I thought it was hilarious😂 So this was suggested by IceWingAssasin Hope you enjoy💕

Italy's POV

"No Liebling I'm busy I can't cuddle now. Maybe later," He sighs ruffling my hair as I pout. "Ve~ Germany please?" I smile innocently at him as he shakes his head. "Nein Italia I'm busy. I'll see you a bit later," Germany kisses my forehead as he shuts his office door. I sigh as I walk to our bedroom. I lay down in bed looking up at the bland ceiling. I feel as if Germany doesn't have time for me anymore. I sigh playing with the name tag as I always did when I'm nervous or bored.

Maybe Germany doesn't want to spend time with me anymore...? No! He still loves me he's just very busy, is all. Oh I know! Instead of spending the rest of the day moping around I can prepare dinner for the two of us and probably set a mood so we can do it again tonight. We haven't done it since a few weeks ago when we started dating. I smile at my idea as I quickly stood up and made dinner. I set up almost like a date in our room with pasta, wurst and baked potatoes. I smile as I went to buy two bouquets of roses. One bouquet was used to make a path between the office to our bedroom and to decorate the bed, the other one I planned to give him. Luckily Prussia was out with Canada tonight so we have the place to ourselves (Canada seemed awkward this evening when Prussia brought him over. I wonder why?).

I smile looking at myself in the mirror after putting on my suite. I was about to put on the tie but I heard a knock on the door. "Liebling what is with the rose trail?" I hear Germany asked as I realized I don't need the tie since I already have the collar. I straightened out my jacket and dress shirt as well as my collar making it so Ludwig was seen clearly. I smile grabbing the bouquet of roses opening the door. He seems to get the mood as he smiles at me. "You've been working so hard I wanted to surprise you amor," I smile handing him the bouquet. He smiles taking the roses as he pulled me closer, kissing my forehead. "Thanks Italia. I really appreciate it," I smiled as we sat down at the table I set up as we started eating. We talked about anything and everything. I finally felt like he still loved me and wanted me.

It surprised me when he took my hand kissing it lightly. "Look Italia I'm so sorry for not spending much time with you. I called my boss and he said I can take a week off. So we can do anything you want for a week Liebling. Ich Liebe dich Italia," I smile as I hold his hand gently. "Ti amo Germany and thank you," I smile as we continue to eat while talking and holding hands.

Once we were done I blushed as I fiddled with the necklace. "Germany uhm...Can we again?" I ask shyly as he looked at me surprised then smiled and chuckled a little. "Of course Liebling. But that's only if you like to do it again Italia," Germany smiled as I nodded immediately dragging him to bed. I pinned him under me as I kissed his neck gently. "I see Liebling wants to top this time," Germany chuckled but didn't object to it. "You seem like you'd want me to," I smirk at him as he only nodded. "Well of course Italia," he responded as a light red tinted my cheeks.

I decided to strip myself as slowly as possible since I wanted to see Germany's reaction, ignoring the collar since to him it's a great turn on. He got frustrated and impatient but didn't object or make any move to undress me faster. I started to rock my hips a bit grinding against his manhood as I slowly stripped of my shirt and jacket once all my buttons came undone. He moans as I did so as I smirk a bit at the reaction. I continued to do it as I leaned on his starting to unbutton his shirt. He moaned as I ground against him and as I left butterfly kisses on his chest every time a button came loose. Soon we were both shirtless as my kisses travelled down to the rim of his trousers.

I slowly unzip it as I slowly take it off along with his boxers. Now I started to get uncertain. What am I supposed to do now?! I did what Germany did to me the first time. I took his member into my mouth as I started to lick and suck on it, him moaning louder pulling my curl. I moan as well as I pointed to the lube that was on the table, gesturing for him to give it to me. He obeys giving me the lube as I pour it onto my fingers.

I again started to suck on his member so it'll distract him from the pain as I put my first finger into him. He moaned as I continued to suck on his member and putting my fingers into him. Soon my three fingers were thrusting and curling inside of him as he moaned. I didn't know if it was from me sucking on his member or if it's from my fingers thrusting into him. I stop doing both of them as I pull away. I lean back up so I can look at him. I kiss his forehead as I move a little so my member was positioned at his entrance. I smile at him resting my forehead against his. "Ready amor?" I asked as he nodded smiling at me. "I'm ready Liebling," he smiled as I slowly pushed in.

He groaned in pain but didn't object. He sighed a bit as I was fully in. "Sorry amor. Do you want me to stop?" I ask as I left butterfly kisses on his face and neck. "No it's alright Italia. Just wait for a bit," he announced as I nodded and waited for him to get used to it. He nodded as he panted a little. "You can move now Liebling," he smiles kissing my forehead. I smile as I slowly started moving. He moaned gripping my hair continuously pulling my curl making my thrusts faster and harder. He seemed to enjoy it as he continued doing it. My thrusts got harder and faster the more he moaned and the more he pulled my curl.

"Ahhh Italia I'm about to~ ahh~" He moaned loudly as I started pumping his member to make him come. "Don't ngh~ worry amor~ Me too," I smiled as the thrusting continued, his hair messy and sweaty as it stuck to his forehead. He soon came all over our chests as the heat and tightness sent me over the edge so I came inside of Ludwig. I pull out and smile as I slicked his hair back again. With his bangs showing he looked like...someone...

"I love you Germany," I smile as I laid down on his chest cuddling into him. "I love you too Italia. You make a good top," He smiled holding me close. "Nah you can top, it's too much work," I whined as he chuckled and kissed my head. "Of course it is silly Italy," he remarked sarcastically as I pout but smiled as I listened to his gentle heartbeat. I sigh happily. "I missed this," I mumbled. "I missed it too Italia, but now we have a week for ourselves," he looked at the bright side as I smile, nodding happily. "Yes we do Luddy. I can't wait..." And with that I fell asleep.

Bonus (again since you guys seemed to like the other ones):

The couple got home laughing as they were cold because of the German winter. Or more like the Prussian was cold and wearing the Canadian's hoodie while the Canadian is wearing a tank top that says 'Prussia is awesome (Fight me if you disagree)'. "How is Birdie not freezing?!" He asks as the Canadian giggled a bit. "Compared to Canadian weather this is warm," he smiled innocently as the Prussian stared at him in disbelief, his teeth chattering. "Let's get you some warm clothes and some hot cocoa," Canada suggested as Prussia nodded in agreement.

They went upstairs as they see the rose trail. They look at each other confused as Prussia smiled a bit. He knew Italy felt lonely so maybe they finally had a night to themselves. "Let's scare them," Prussia whispered as Canada sighed at the childishness but nodded in agreement. Prussia burst through the door screaming,"The awesome Prussia is here with the awesome Canada!" The two woke up, come still on their chests. Canada blushed and groaned.

"Oh mon Dieu!!! Again?!?!"

Hellooooo💕 Woohooo I'm early for once! Anyway so I don't have much to say really😅 I hope you liked it and then come back tomorrow for one I actually have been looking forward to for so long! Till tomorrow

Bye bye💕

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