Make a queen out of you (Cardverse! Frukus)

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Hellooooo💕 Yes it's finally vacation so I'm trying to publish 1 chapter each day or 1 chapter each 2 days😁(Future update: That's exactly what I did not do😅) Anyway enough about that I don't have much to say so let's continue with the smut. This one is suggested by grrwoofwoof and anonymous so I hope you enjoy your chapter😁❄🌟

⚠️ Vanilla sex, mentions of sloppy seconds (if you don't know what it is it's basically...uhm... When you use cum from a previous session that is still inside the other person, and use that as lube for the next time), bondage, threesome, a lot of alcohol and in no way promoting it. Also has to do with the kingdoms also some mentions of bullying⚠️

Arthur's POV

"Shut up you bearded bastard that's not how it went down!" I drunkly shout at the King of Diamonds. "Nope my queen I think that's exactly how it went down," Alfred says from behind me as I pout leaning even more into his chest. We were currently sitting on the bed, I was sitting in Alfred's lap with my legs resting on Francis's lap. To say we had a couple of drinks would be an understatement. We have been drinking for a while now and I know we are practically wasted, me the most though since I'm a lightweight.

"I'm still sad you chose Alfred and not me," Francis dramatically wiped away fake tears as I rolled my eyes flicking his forehead. "Idiot you have a beautiful and wonderful queen, Alfred was running a kingdom alone and was dealing with a lot of stress. He needed my help more than you needed me," I explained as Alfred whined and snuggled his face into my neck.

"So you don't love me?" He whined as I blushed at that. Honestly I have a crush on both Alfred and Francis, I can't choose who I like more. I want them both and I know they wouldn't mind but I'm still too scared to ask them. "Idiot of course I love you," I mutter and kiss his forehead. Francis whined and placed his head in my lap. I smile and play with his hair as I gulped down another glass of red wine.

"So I know how the whole thing went down, but you two saved me so you never heard the whole story. So what do you think happened?" I asked as they looked at me confused. "You were being beaten up so we stopped the people then took you to the castle as you were unconscious," Francis explained as Alfred nodded in response seeing it in the same light. I sigh as I kiss Alfred's cheek and smoothed Francis's hair. We were talking about when they first found me and decided I was going to be the new queen of Spades. "Want to hear the story?" I ask as they nodded clearly intrigued. "Well..."


Arthur's POV

I whimper as the quick and hard blows to my ribs registered itself to my brain confirming I was indeed in a lot of pain. I was pretty sure my ribs were broken. I tried to block their kicks as I try to curl in a ball. I couldn't breath anymore, it felt practically impossible. I knew for sure that today was going to be the day that the bastard son of the great Allistor Kirkland will die. Everything became fuzzy and very blurry as I coughed trying to gain my lost breath. Just as I was sure I was going to pass out with one more kick...

It all stopped...

The kicks, the pain. Everything felt a mile away. I did hear commotion though. People were shouting and arguing as I tried to regain my breath. I suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around me and picked me up bridal style. I whimper at the movement as he cooed and smoothed my hair. "It's alright, you're safe now. Just hang on alright. Just hang o-" a soft and very Spade accented voice reassured and begged before everything just went black...

All that surrounds me now is emptiness...

I still felt warm though, like the guy who was talking to me before was still holding me close. But at the moment I simply didn't care...

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