My idol loves me (Nyo! Spamano)

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Helloooo💕 You guys I have to tell you, I think quarantine has finally got to me. I had about 6 plots for this and I didn't like a single one of them😂 But thanks to the person who originally suggested this, SpamanoIsMyOTP I finally got a decent plot. So thank you so much for your help and I hope you enjoy your chapter

⚠️Maid! Kink. Bondage is also mentioned. Human names are used (Spain- Antionette. Romano- Chiara). This is nyotalia so both Romano and Spain are girls in this one. There is also mentions of a strap on (sex toy). I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to make this County! AU. So this is Human! AU sorry⚠️

Antoinette's POV

I can't believe it! Was my sight deceiving me? No no it must be... The amazing Chiara Vargas! The reason I'm so skeptical is one she is wearing a frilly yellow dress with purple flowers on it which totally isn't her style. She also had her hair in a ponytail which is also unlike her, (A/N Lol I just realized in the photo she has a ponytail) but also a very lighter color. She was also out with a blonde girl, very short hair and looked dressed up for the gym. If Chiara had a lover or any friends the media will know as soon as possible... But those define facial features.

I walk up to my idol blushing. Once I was in front of her I cleared my throat as she only looked at me confused and surprised. The other girl, the blonde one moved closer to the brunette glaring daggers at me. Clearly lovers or just very very good friends. "Oh sorry to bother you... Uhm....hehe... Do...Uhm...Are you-" I was about to ask stuttering and blushing all over the place. She laughed a small fluttery laugh removing her sunglasses and the floppy hat she was wearing. I immediately see her honey colored eyes and blushed even more. "I-I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me. I'll lea-" Just as I was about to say that she handed me a card.

"Chiara's number. No I'm not Chiara, I'm her twin sister Felicia," she explained as I looked at her surprised then stared at the number in front of me. "Why would you-" I was about to ask about the card but she smiled and closed my hand around it. "Your guitar. I'm guessing you play, she needs to learn how to use a guitar as her main guitarist quit. Plus you're her type, she'll like you," Felicia smiles up at me as I blush and smile. "Thank you, thank you a lot," I smile as she nodded happily continuing her conversation with the blonde which was my cue to leave.

That night I was in my pajamas which was a night dress with roses sown into it, pacing around my apartment as I just stare at her number on the card then at my phone in my other hand. "What should I say first? Should I tell her I'm a fan? No no that would just put her off, she probably deals with enough fans already I can't bear to have her ignore me... What should I do...what should I do? Oh maybe I can say Felicia heard me play and liked it so she gave me the number telling me to text this person to get an actual gig... Yes that's perfect! I could meet her for auditions, we can hang out! Maybe even... No no that will never happen.

I quickly type her number into my phone and sent her a message before leaving my phone on my bedside table. I go to the kitchen making myself a salad. I am not on a diet I just generally like this...maybe it's because I know I will eat churros at 3am in the morning (A/N I've never eaten churros until a few weeks ago with my friend). I go back to my phone quickly retrieving it then eating my salad which had tomatoes, chicken, lettuce, pickles and so on in it. I turn on the Tv which showed a Spanish novella playing. I check my phone and was surprised to see she actually responded. I immediately place my food on the table and paused the show as I quickly read her message


Antoinette: Hey I'm Antoinette Fernandez Carriedo and I professionally play guitar. Your sister heard me play and told me you need a new guitarist to help write your music. Contact me if that position is still open. I'll send you my information once you contact me back

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