Can my enemy be my lover? (Canukr part 1)

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Helloooo💕 Okay so the thing with this one is there is two people who requested CanUkr but I can only find yeet_bye and the other one I can't find anywhere honestly so if you know you suggested CanUkr before and I didn't mention you it's most likely your the other one I can't find. If you want specific kinks to be added tell me in the comments or PM me and I will redo the smut part. Hope you enjoy this part💕❄🥺

⚠️This kink contains mentions of bondage. A bit of a OOC for Ukraine but I honestly see her as a very badness person and honestly I can't see Matthew topping anyone😂 Gore (Mentions of blood and bullet wounds). Gangs mentioned. Actually very cute and kinky at the same time⚠️

I felt the bullet pierce my skin, making me fall to the ground writhing in pain. I heard my name being called as my vision became blurry. Soon everything faded to black as I was left unconscious...

Katyusha's POV (Ukraine)

Honestly sometimes having a brother that is boss of the most powerful gangs in all of town. What's worse is if he comes in carrying the most prettiest boy you have ever seen and explains that he is from the enemy gang...

The Jones family and Braginsky family is well known as one of the most powerful gangs in our city. The leader of the Jones family being someone called Alfred F Jones. The leader of the Braginsky family being my brother Ivan. He is actually much kinder but when it comes to gang business he is stern and cold. So when he gave me the boy no older that 24 and told me to take care of him in a cold voice I didn't dare define him. I simply nodded and took him to one of the hospital beds I have starting to get the wound disinfected first. As I was doing this I stared at the boy taking in his every feature.

His dirty glasses were resting on the bridge of his nose, his pink plump lips slightly parted letting out soft breaths. He had wavy blonde hair that almost reached his shoulder. I can't see what color eyes he has though so I can't determine that. I snap out of it and continued to take care of him, taking the bullet out then bandaging him. I attach some machines to him that keeps his heart rate in check but also gives him all the blood he lost.

Unlike all the other people my brother brought for me to take care of, I actually really care for this one. Call it what you want, I somehow feel attracted to him. I felt tears prick my eyes as I see him so hurt. I sniff softly and wipe away the tears trailing down my cheeks. "Damnit... I'll be right back... I just need to get a tissue..." I spoke as if he can hear me. I smile and left but soon returned with some of my work and sat next to him smoothing his hair and making sure he was clean of any blood.

This continued for a few days where I stayed day and night with him waiting for him to wake up...

Matthew's POV

I suddenly gasp for air as I sit up almost as when you have a nightmare. I dreamt I was shot by the Braginsky family gang. I look around expecting to see my well decorated room but was instead met with a room with light blue walls and white curtains. I look around more and notice I was attached to these machines. Oh god it wasn't a dream... Is this the Braginsky's house...? Why am I here...? Why didn't they take my brother who was equally defenseless...why me...? I have to get out of here...

I move around a bit and felt pain spread through my veins coming from where I was shot. I almost saw stars at that and covered my mouth with my hands to stop myself from letting out a shrill scream. I pant as I grab my side, quickly and quietly frying to get these machines off so I can get away from here. I was almost done with pulling one out when an all too familiar voice interrupted my train of thoughts as well as my movements.

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