Hurt (Rusliet)

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Helloooo💕❄😁 As you can tell from the top image this is a really angsty one. Honestly speaking I have never written or read Rusliet as a ship before but just a small note, I am not going to make this toxic or abusive or a controlling relationship. That is why the chapter today is going to show a way more soft side of Ivan and a way more caring side of Toris. I'm sorry if you expected something different I just can't read, much less write a toxic relationship so yeah. Sorry for that rant I just wanted to get that out there before starting this chapter. Anyway this was suggested by SharkyEevee so I hope you enjoy this chapter😁🌟

Also read the end Author note for an important message⚠️😁🌟

⚠️Read this as there is a lot of possible trigger warnings. Abusive relationship. Abused! Ivan x Police! Toris. Mentions of trauma and gore. A small relation to BDSM (simple commands and a type of bondage). Slightly dominant Toris, slightly submissive Ivan. Mentions of slight masturbation as well as blow jobs. A lot of angst and a bit of fluff nearing the end⚠️

Toris's POV

Everything moved so quickly. One second we were arresting a man we thought was being abusive to his significant other and then a scream was heard. Honestly these are the times where I really do regret becoming a police officer. I am a scaredy cat and I hate seeing people in pain. But as the years go by and I see it happen more and more I got used to it, by now I have a psychologist who helps me get all the nightmares and everything to go away. But that scream is probably going to haunt my nightmares.

I look at my coworkers and realize they are busy so I need to go where the screams were heard. I sigh and grab my gun and flashlight. I walk through the darkened house as I try to see where the scream came from. Soon I found the staircase leading to the basement. God damnit why a basement of all places? This is the start of every horror game/movie ever? If only it was just a horror game.

I bit back my whine of discomfort as I walk down the staircase. Once I reached the bottom, in the darkness I found two violet colored eyes staring back at me. I turned on the light that dimly illuminated the room. I found a boy, not older than 25 staring back at me with fearful eyes. I felt a lump in my throat as I looked at the bedding and the rest of the room. It looked very torturous and by the locked entrance I guess it has been a while since he's been outside.

I finally find my will to look back at the tortured soul in front of me. He had platinum blonde that looked like snow. He had pale skin which further proves he hasn't been outside in a while. He like I said before had violet eyes that was currently shimmering with tears. He was holding  what looked like a metal pipe close to himself. I notice he was scared of me making me gently place my gun away as I walk up to him. He points the metal pipe to me making me believe he was silently stopping me from coming closer. I smile and sit down in front of the boy, I should really not call him that, he looks older than 20 but younger than 25.

"I am officer Toris Laurinaitis. I am not here to hurt you, I am going to help you. If that pipe makes you feel more safe, keep it. I am just here to help you get away from that horrible man," I promised as he looks at me surprised lowering the pipe. I didn't take it from him, I simply stayed where I was giving him a reassuring smile. "The man that did this to you can't hurt you anymore, he is going to be locked away for a very long time. For now we must help you. You look very malnourished and needs attention from medical professionals. But first do you mind telling me your name," I tell him as for a minute he just holds the pipe close to him, looking away.

"My-my name is Ivan....Braginsky," he softly mutters out. I smile and nod, though in my mind the surname sounded so familiar. "Where am I going after this mister...?" He asks clearly scared. "Well you are going back to your famil-" before I can finish he suddenly broke down sobbing. I suddenly realize why the name sounded familiar. The Braginsky case was a case I worked on where two sisters were brutally murdered and the brother has been presumably dead and missing for the last 5 years.

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