Day 17: Cosplay (JapanxSouth Korea)

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Hola💕 Wow already on day 17! So this does include cosplay of Vocaloid characters and the song above is one of my favorite Vocaloid songs (just the English version)! This is the couple their cosplaying (Hatsune Miku and Len):

Hola💕 Wow already on day 17! So this does include cosplay of Vocaloid characters and the song above is one of my favorite Vocaloid songs (just the English version)! This is the couple their cosplaying (Hatsune Miku and Len):

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This was suggested by poke_wolf so I hope you enjoy it💕

South Korea's POV

It's almost Christmas and the other nations decided to make a costume party. I heard Japan was going as Hatsune Miku as I decided to go as Len. We both love and listen to Vocaloid. Plus we both ship Len and Miku so of course this could be the perfect time to confess my love for him!

It was finally time for the party as I put on the yellow tie with the grey jacket. I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. Hope this works! I smile as I go to big brother. "Aiyah aru! We've been waiting for you!" He scolded as I explained my plan to him. He knew about my crush so he smiled and nodded a little. They left, big brother probably making an excuse that I was sick or something. Now for action...

Japan's POV

I was getting my wig on as I look in the mirror. I smile a little seeing my success. I love cosplaying and it's admittedly one of my hobbies along with fanfic writing. I waited by the car as I see Vietnam and Taiwan with matching costumes also probably from another anime that the two have been talking about. I see Leon with all red on as he sprayed his hair a bit so the tips were yellow and red. Iceland and him was going as fire and ice. I frown slightly as I didn't see South Korea. Probably one of his funny costumes again...

I chuckle slightly at the thought as I went to stand by my siblings. "Where's South Korea you guys?" I ask curiously as they all shrug not knowing but Taiwan and Leon immediately complimented my costume as I thanked them. I waited for South Korea as I was deep in thought kind of worrying about my poor crush...

(A/N Furthermore I will refer to South Korea as Korea. It's easier for me to type and will make it be updated quicker. Thank you so much for understanding and you can continue reading!)

Maybe his costume is taking longer than before! No his costumes are always puns and jokes. It was funny and most people loved it. Like he will wear a shirt that says 'This is my costume" or once he pasted a lot of cereal boxes (with knives in it) on his body and said he was a cereal killer. Just funny stuff that will make people smile. I chuckle a little at the thoughts of what he had planned this year.

Soon China came through the door as we realize it's time to go. "Wait China? Where's Korea?" I ask concerned for my crush. "Oh he's...sick yeah. He said he couldn't come to the party since he didn't want to be a bother," China explained as I panicked a little. I once experienced him passing out because he was so sick but he refused to stay home. For him to stay home must be a huge thing. "Oh...Uhm China I think I need to stay and take care of him," I offered as China smiled and shook his head. "No aru. Korea wanted to deal with it alone. Plus he wouldn't want you to stay home when a party is happening! Let's go now aru!" China explained and assured as I hesitantly nodded and sighed. We got in the car as the whole ride there I thought of Korea. Please be okay...

We finally got there as we see a lot of the nations were there already. I hung out with my two friends Germany and Italy. They had matching clothes but I couldn't recognize it. "What are you dressed as Italy and Germany?" I ask as Italy smiles and points to the blue collar he is wearing and his floppy ears. "We're Lady and Tramp from 'The lady and the Tramp'," Italy explains as I finally realize it. I smile. "You guys are cute," I remarked as I blushed. "Your costume is great Japan! Hatsune Miku right?" Italy complimented and asked as I nodded.

I suddenly feel someone wrap their arms around my waist as I panicked a bit. I was about to start struggling and punching but the voice that came soothed my nerves and made me lean into the touch. "Hatsune Miku? Could you please follow me, I am in need of telling you something," I hear Korea's voice as I nod and sigh a bit in relief. I greeted Italy and Germany as I followed him to a guest room.

Once I got there I notice he was dressed as Len. I blushed a little as I tilted my head. "Your outfit is great...-ly designed!" I complimented not making a remark of the both of us shipping Len and Miku. "Thanks Japan! I love yours as well. Anyway I have an early Christmas present," he smiles gesturing to the door. I blush even more at the compliment and the gesture to the door. I decided to trust him as I open the door. I blushed and covered my mouth as I see the bed was covered in roses making what looks like an arrow going through a heart.

It was silent as I realize Korea was getting nervous. "Korea! I love it! Is this your way of saying you like me? And with the costumes since we both love Len and Miku together?" I ask nervously as I smile at him. He nods as I smile even more hugging him tightly not wanting to let go. He smiles as well and hugs back. He picks me up and carries me to the bed. He pushed me onto it as he pinned me down. The rose petals in my hair as I still smile at him. "Do you want to do this? If not we can just sleep and cuddle for now?" He asks making sure as I smile and kiss him like my life depended on it. In any other situation I would refuse but I've waited so long for this!

He kisses back as he takes this as a yes. He only untied my tie and undid my buttons on the jacket so he can kiss me there, but made no other move to undress me. I didn't care as he continued kissing me. The kiss got heated as we French kissed. His kisses got lower and lower until he reached the rim of my light blue skirt. I hum and moan at the kisses as I feel his finger prodding my entrance. I missed the fact that he poured lube on his fingers since I was so entrance by the loving kisses. He seemed hesitant so I nodded signaling he can continue.

He soon had all three his fingers inside of me as I winced a little at the pain. Soon I rocked my hips as he started thrusting his fingers in and out of me making me moan and clutch the pillows in pure ecstasy. "Oh god please more Korea!" I screamed as we were both surprised at how loud it was. He smiled either way as he unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers a bit. He put the vanilla scented lube on his erect member as it prodded my entrance.

"Ready?" He asked as I nodded immediately. "Yes please Korea!" I begged as he nodded following my instructions as he slowly entered me. We both sighed in relief as he was finally in. He gave me time to adjust as I nodded giving him the signal he can move. His thrust were gentle and slow so I can adjust but soon he was pounding and thrusting into me till I saw stars every time he hit my prostate. I clutched the pillow as I started moving with him to cause more pleasure. I was the first to come as he followed because of my tightness and heat.

He pulled out and pulled the covers over the both of us. We both pulled off the wigs, finding it too hot to keep them on. He explained America said we can use the guest room so he decided to confess today. I smiled cuddling into him as I feel myself drifting off to sleep in my new boyfriend's arms.

Helloooo💕 Sorry for the super late updates these days since I'm hella busy. I'm in deep trouble tomorrow but that's a story for another time. Anyway till tomorrow

Bye bye💕

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