Bittersweet Reunion (Maximoff Twins)

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For scarlettromanof. AU where Quicksilver was brought back in Endgame instead of that stupid baseball glove, as was originally planned. 


Pietro opened his eyes, scanning the surrounding area. "Where am I?" He asked.

"Avengers tower," Natasha answered.

Pietro still looked confused. "Where's Wanda?"

Natasha froze. She knew that this question was unavoidable, but she had hoped that he wouldn't ask it so soon. "You missed a lot, Pietro. You died fighting Ultron. The thing is, that was eight years ago. Clint- Hawkeye- time traveled and brought you to the present day, to see how well the time machine works. We managed to resuscitate you, and here we are."

After a minute of absorbing the information, Pietro said, "Ok... but you didn't answer my question. Where's Wanda?"

Natasha looked down. "Five years ago, this... guy called Thanos came here, to Earth. He wanted to find the last of the so-called infinity stones. With them, he would have the ability to wipe out half of all living things in all of the cosmos with just a snap of his fingers- literally. We tried to stop him, we all tried so hard."

A tear ran down Nat's cheek, and Pietro looked increasingly worried. "Your sister was so strong, Pietro. She fought as valiantly as she could, but in the end, we couldn't stop him. The Snap happened, which was followed by the Dusting, where half of everyone in the entire cosmos died. Wanda didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

Pietro felt like someone had just ripped his heart out. "You mean... you mean she's dead?"

Natasha nodded solemnly. "But that's part of why we built the time machine. We're going back, and stopping Thanos. We're trying to bring everyone- including your sister- back. What do you say?"

Pietro's eyes steeled with determination. "I say let's get my sister back."


*after the battle with Thanos, where I remind you Wanda kicked some serious butt*

"WANDA!" A young man's voice called.

Wanda froze in her tracks. No. It wasn't. It couldn't possibly be- "Pietro?" She asked without turning around. Suddenly she was whisked off of her feet, and was spun around in a circle before being gently set on the ground. "PIETRO!"

"WANDA!" The twins hugged each other as tightly as they could, both too afraid to let go in case one of them drifted into nothingness. Tears of joy and relief were running down both of their faces. "My god, Wanda! You're here. You're really here!"

Wanda laughed. "I am." Then she shoved him, slapping him across the face.

"What was that for?!"

"Dying and leaving me alone! Don't you ever do it again, Pietro Maximoff, or may God-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get the jest of it. I'm sorry that you had to go through that Wanda, I really am."

"You better be."

The cheerful sounds died out along the battlefield as people started noticing Tony Stark, the great Iron Man, on the ground, dying. The twins exchanged glances and then walked over to the scene, moving around some people.

They stood in front of him, off to the side, watching. As he mumbled words that they couldn't really make out, his eyes scanning the crowd. They landed on the Maximoffs. He met eyes with both of them, giving them a slight nod, before turning back to the others. A few seconds later, he was gone.

Wanda buried her face in her twin's shoulder. He rubbed her back, resting his chin on the back of her head, closing his eyes.


Pietro sat with Wanda on her bed. It had been two weeks since Tony's funeral, and while they (mostly Wanda) were still upset, of course, the twins decided to be happy that they were together again.

Currently, they were talking about the time when Pietro pickpocketed a rich tourist when they were twelve. Why anyone would visit Sokovia was beyond them, but quite a few people did.

"I said that I would bet a dollar that you couldn't get that dude's wallet and take out fifty bucks, then put the wallet back without him ever noticing." Wand recalled.

"And then I freaking did it."

Wanda sighed. "And I went broke, cuz I only had $1."

"So I took you for ice cream."

"Yeah. You're the best big brother ever."

"So you admit it!"

"Admit what?"

"That I'm older!"

Wanda frowned. Then a smiled crossed her face.

"What?" Pietro asked.

"You died before me."

"Yeah, so?"

"I died years after you."

"Again, so what?"

"SO doesn't that mean that I'm technically older?"

Pietro froze. "Oh, GOD."

Wanda laughed. "I totally am."

"No! I refuse to accept it!" He grabbed her wrist, dragging her into the living room. He stalked over to Dr. Strange. "Hey, you do magic-y stuff, right?"

"Right." Strange looked confused by the question.

"Is there a way to make someone, I don't know, three years older?"

"Of course there is. Why?"

Wanda glared at her twin. "Pietro, this is the pettiest thing I've ever seen you do, and that is seriously saying something."

"Must I ask you again?" Strange said.

"No. We're twins, and we just realized that she's technically three years older than me instead of twelve minutes younger, and we need to fix that."

His other half pouted.

"Is that all? I can do that."

Strange was about to fix the situation before Wanda yelled, "WAIT!" She pulled out her phone, cutting on the camera. "Say I'm your big sister."


"Say it!"


Wanda gave him a begging puppy look that he had never been able to say no to. "PLEASE?"

He groaned. "F*** you, big sis."

Wanda grinned, cutting of the recording. "That'll work. You can magic him to his proper age again."

"How old are you two? Twenty-one, twenty-two-"

"Twenty-two," Pietro filled in.

"And you're twelve minutes older than her? Just a sec." Suddenly the twins were surrounded by a glowing red, similar to Wanda's powers. Then it dissipated. "Done."

"Thanks!" Pietro said, dragging his once again little sister back to her room, where they continued on their conversation to the next topic.

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