At the Speed of Light (OCs x The Maximoff Twins)

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OCs x the Maximoff twins. I've been reading too much of that particular genre of fanfiction for someone who has strong mixed emotions about it XD

This will either have a couple parts or be a book, you guys choose. I don't really care. This is random.


Lolana- or Lola, as she was called- Thompson was annoyed. Her parents were dragging her to yet another party that she didn't care about, full of drunk adults. No cute guys her age. What was even the point of her going? At least her parents were letting her bring her best friend, Brianna Rivers, with her. Well, it WAS either come or babysit her little brother and sister, and she had decided the former was the better option.

When they pulled up outside the huge building, Lola gasped in shock. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THIS WAS ONE OF TONY STARK'S PARTIES?!"

Her dad laughed. "What? Does that change the game for you?"

"No, I go to parties with the fricking Avengers all the time, no big deal."

"Watch the sarcasm, young lady," He mother scolded. "Be polite."

"Yes, ma'am."

Lola and Brianna looked at each other, nearly giggling in fangirl delight when they entered the building. "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson," Stark greeted them. "And who are these two?"

"Our daughter, Lola, and her friend Brianna."

"Nice to meet you both," The man said, shaking the girls' hands.

"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Stark," The girls chorused.

Lola's eyes scanned the crowd of party guests for anyone her age. Brianna nudged her. "He's hot," She said, nodding towards a blond boy about their age.

Lola whistled. "You're like, the best wing woman ever."

Brianna was gay, but that didn't mean she couldn't tell a guy was attractive. And Lola appreciated her friend's help.

"She's gorgeous, too, Bri." She said, gesturing to a brunette girl their age, who was unfortunately chatting with the guy.

"She's also likely straight. And are they together, though?"

Someone chuckled behind them. The girls turned their heads to see Stark. He rested his arms on their shoulder. "That, my dears, would be Pietro Maximoff, and his twin sister, Wanda."

"Are you serious?" Brianna asked.

"Dead serious. You may have heard of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?" He winked and walked off.

"Oh, my god," Lola breathed.

"I didn't know they were our age!"

"Me either. Do you think we should-"

In their conversation, they had missed the twins having almost an exact replica of their discussion. They also didn't notice the duo walk up to them.

"Hey." The friends were jerked out of their conversation by a guy with an Eastern European accent.

The looked over to see none other than the Maximoff twins.

"Hey," Lola answered, trying not to stammer. He was even better looking up close. Suddenly all her confidence was gone. She was usually smooth. But this guy seemed to suck all of that into his orbit.

"I'm Pietro Maximoff. And you beauties are?"

Lola was 99% sure that her face was burning red. "I'm- I'm Lolana Thompson. Well, everyone calls me Lola. And this is my best friend-"

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