A Day To Remember (SpiderWitch)

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I was in a SpiderWitch oneshot mood. As there are no books specifically for that, apparently, and I was too lazy to search through a bunch of books to find some, I decided to write one. Enjoy! This is an AU. Wanda and Peter are both fifteen.

TW: Self-harm and verbal abuse. Marked off though, I'm trying to get in the habit of that.


Peter had a crush on Wanda. That was no secret. Everyone knew it, even Wanda herself. But Wanda was taken. Her girlfriend, Felicia, was annoying beyond belief, but for some reason, Wanda stayed. Peter had a feeling his friend liked him in return, so why wouldn't she just break up with the Felicia?

Peter was contemplating this instead of paying attention to his history teacher.

"Mr. Parker!" She shouted, jarring him back to reality.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I asked you a question."

Peter blushed from embarrassment. "Ummm... I'm sorry, Mrs. Cobbs, but I didn't hear your question."

The class snickered and Mrs. Cobbs look agitated. "I asked you, Mr. Parker, what year was the King James Bible published?"

Sh**. He didn't know this. Why would he need to know this? It might have been important in the guy's reign, Peter supposed, but that didn't solve the question. He had no idea.

"Detention for daydreaming, Mr. Parker."

"Bet he was thinking of a hot chick he doesn't stand a chance with," Flash whispered to one of his friends, loud enough that Peter could hear.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson, do you know that answer?"

The boy froze.

"Didn't think so. Detention for you, too. Does anyone know the answer?"

Wanda and Felicia both raised their hands.

"Ms. Maximoff?"


"That is correct, Ms. Maximoff."

A/N I only know that date cuz my mom mentions it all the time.

Felicia was pouting because she wasn't chosen, and was giving her own girlfriend a dirty look. Peter rolled his eyes. What an entitled brat.

After class released, Peter head to the bathroom, and locked himself in a stall. *Self-harm TW* He slipped a razor out of his pocket, resting It against his wrist. He felt useless. Flash was right. He really had no chance with Wanda. Why would he? No one but his family loved him. What did it matter if she liked him back? She was with the school's cool girl. Why would she opt out of that for the school's resident loser? She might be fine being friends with him, but that was only because they'd known each other for years, since their adoptive parents were friends. He slit his wrist three times before cleaning and applying gauze to the cuts. *End of trigger*

He washed his hands and left the restroom. He walked down the hall to his locker, which was across the hall from Wanda's. Half the school had lunch right now, including them, and the rest were in class. Peter expected Wanda to be at lunch but no, she was arguing with Felicia. Both girls either didn't realize Peter was there or ignored him. They continued with their argument.

"Why would you answer that question, Wands?" Felicia demanded. "You know it's one of the only dates I know."

"I'm sorry, I forgot!"

*Possible verbal abuse TW* "How could you forget, you stupid b****?! You're my tutor!"

Wanda looked down. "I'm sorry."

"'Sorry'?! That all you have to say?! You were a smart-a** little b**** who couldn't keep her f***ing mouth shut!" *End of possible TW*

Tears welled in Wanda's eyes.

Peter was furious. "Hey, what the h***?!"

"Oh, Peter! I didn't notice you!" Felicia said, sounding startled.

"What did you just tell her?!"

"It's nothing, Parker! Don't worry, it was just teasing!"

"Didn't sound like you were 'just teasing'."

"Well, I was."

"No, you weren't. Wanda, you just let her talk to you like that?"

Wanda didn't answer, just kept her eyes locked on the ground.


She nodded.


She shrugged.

Peter glared at Felicia, talking Wanda's hand and storming off. "Let's ditch."

It was raining outside, so Peter pulled off his hoodie and held it over their heads as best as he could. Wanda giggled.

They raced back to Wanda's adoptive dad's apartment, knowing he wasn't home, only his nonchalant roommates. Aunt May would flip, and so would Steve. But Tony and Natasha wouldn't care. (A/N Was gonna make Clint her adoptive dad, but couldn't get rid of Laura and the kids, so he'll be her Uncle Clint instead.)

They climbed up the fire escape into Wanda's room. They snuggled under her blanket and turned on a random movie. They tried to watch Godzilla, but bailed because the main character and his wife looked so much like Pietro and Wanda it was weird. So they watched The Lion King instead.

After the movie ended- and a couple scolding phone calls from Steve and Aunt May, who had gotten a call from the school, along with one from Wanda's twin brother, Pietro- Peter turned to Wanda.

"Hey, I know you just broke up with an abusive b****, but... do you wanna go out on Friday?"

"Sure, why not?" Wanda smiled. "I know you. You're my best friend, after Pietro."

"Speaking of Pietro, he's gonna give me the big brother talk, isn't he?"

Wanda glared at him. "TWIN brother talk."

"Ok, ok, picky. He's gonna give me the TWIN brother talk, isn't he?"

"That's better. And yeah, probably."

"Ooh, let's call him and have him kick Felicia's a**!"

Wanda looked doubtful.

Peter took her hand. "Hey, she deserves that, at the least. It's not your fault. She's a b****. It has nothing to do with you."

She smiled at him again. "Thanks, Peter."

"You're welcome. Now, I'm gonna hurry up and call Pietro before school's over."

Peter called him. The call ended with a very furious "WHAT?! BYE, I'VE GOT A B**** TO KILL!"

Wanda barely managed to quickly exclaim, "DON'T KILL HER!" before the line went dead.

Peter looked at Wanda's face, which was a mix of happy, proud, and concerned. He couldn't help but laugh. And once he did, Wanda did, too. This would certainly be a day to remember. 

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