Another Maximoff?! (AoU AU)

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Ok, yeah, this is a OC oneshot, and I'm not a big fan of OCs in fics unless they're minor, but I got the idea and couldn't let it go so, here we are. So, the twins have a sister, Amalia, who is ten years older than them. She and her fiancé took them in after the bombing, but after she had a baby two years later, they ran away. This takes place after Age of Ultron. I might make this a book, if you guys want more. It's also very short despite many ideas. Sorry bout that.


A huge boom echoed in the air. The people aboard the hovercraft could easily guess what the sound was. Twenty nine year old Amalia Maximoff-Novak tried to calm her now crying three year old down. Her five year old clung to her leg.

"What was that, Mama?" Her seven year old asked.

"Well, Wyatt, I think something exploded."

"I wanna see!" He tried to run off, but Amalia tightened her grip on his arm. She suddenly wished her husband was over here instead of getting his broken arm casted.

"You can't wander off!" She scolded. Wyatt managed to break out of her grip and take off. His little sister let go of Amalia's leg, running after him. "Wyatt Noah and Magda Elizabeth Novak! Get back over here!" She took off after them, hearing a little laughter from the other passengers. The kids managed to get in a sort of hallway aboard the huge craft.

She was just a few feet away when her unruly kids ran into someone. The man looked slightly annoyed before smiling on seeing the kids. "Where are you two headed in such a hurry?"

"We wanted to know what that noise was," Wyatt said boldly. "Right, Maggie?"


The man chuckled. "It was an explosion. But no matter what, you are not allowed to run in my ship's halls. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir," Wyatt said. "WAIT! You're Directer Fury!"

"I am indeed, now how about you go to your mother?"

Suddenly, a girl's sobs could be heard down the hallway. A minute later, a brunette appeared. Her hands were over her face, which was streaked with mascara from the crying. Captain America was walking beside her, rubbing her back.

Amalia's youngest child, Erik, shimmied out of his mother's arms, running over to the sobbing young woman. He wrapped her in a hug. Amalia was about to scold him when the woman looked down at the boy and hugged him back. Amalia finally got a good look at the young lady's face, and something hit her.

"Hey, Mama, that girl looks like Erik," Wyatt said.

Amalia was in shock. No way was this- it couldn't be. She'd only seen the girl randomly for a few seconds a couple of times since the younger ran away. Then she took a shot in the dark. "Wanda?"

The teenager looked up at her in shock, and then started crying harder. She flung herself into Amalia's arms. Amalia gently wrapped her arms around her little sister, her eyes scanning for Pietro. When she didn't see him, and realized Wanda was crying harder than she'd ever seen her cry, she knew what had happened.

"Molly!" Wanda choked out. "Pietro's gone. He's gone!"

"I know, Wanda, I know." Tears were streaming down her face now, too.

Captain America was looking at them strangely.

'She's my sister,' Amalia mouthed at him.

He nodded and walked over to them. "Wanda, you wanted to see your brother, right? Come on," He said gently.

Wanda broke the hug, walking over to the man.

"Hey, Cap?" Amalia asked.


"Is she living with you?"

"Probably now, yeah."

"Then make sure she's eating. She doesn't ever eat much, and only like every other day if her schedule hasn't changed. If she goes like two weeks without eating, and still refuses to, call me." Amalia scribbled put her number on a piece of paper, hand handed it to him.

He took it, giving her a grateful look before leading Wanda down the hall.

Amalia sighed. "Wyatt, Maggie, Erik, get back over here, please."

They hurried over to her, asking a stream of questions that she answered as well as she could.

Her husband met them where they had been, and gave her a look of confusion. She explained as quietly as she could and he could still hear her. He nodded when she finished, and wrapped her in a hug.

That's when she really started to cry. Pietro was her little brother! He couldn't just be dead! No, no, no. That's not how it worked. That's not what was supposed to happen! He was supposed to grow old and be happy! Now he couldn't! Her body racked with sobs until she eventually drifted off, temporarily immune to the world.


So, super terrible, or would you want a book? It's all up to you! Please answer the question though, haha.

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