Finals Suck (The Maximoff Twins)

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For jruecker22. Sort of a High School AU. The twins are in 10th grade.


Pietro buried his head in his hands. "I'm gonna die. My brain is going to explode. There is too much information for my brain to handle. I'm about to fail so hard that there will be a new world record."

Wanda groaned, flinging herself backwards onto her bed. "You'll lose that record to me."

"What's so wrong?" Steve asked, poking his head around the door. Steve was their foster dad's roommate- well, one of them.

"Finals," Pietro groaned. "I didn't go through ten years of school for this sh**."

Steve gave him a look. "Swear jar."

Pietro groaned. "Give me a break. There's less than four hours to finals. Have to study. Can't watch my mouth."

"Did you two even sleep?"

"No," Wanda replied.

"I'm pretty sure our blood is mostly Red Bull at this point," Pietro said.

"You two need sleep."

"What we need is more brain capacity."

"And coffee," Wanda added.

"With enough sugar to kill a man. We should either have hyper focus or we'll die. Either will work."

"It can't be that bad," Steve said.

"Oh, but it can."


Pietro knelt next to Wanda, who was puking into the toilet. He was holding her hair back, out of her face. They were in a one person bathroom off a hallway. Wanda, to neither of their surprise, had a full blown anxiety attack before, during, and after the exam.

"I can't believe we have to do more," Wanda whined as she wiped her mouth off with a piece of toilet paper. "I'm really gonna die."

"You've done this before."

"Yeah, well, last time I at least knew I probably wasn't gonna fail. I totally bombed. Clint's gonna kill me."

"He's gonna have to kill me too. I had to have done much worse than you."

"I doubt it. You're not the one puking."

"I'm also not the one with crippling anxiety."

Wanda was shaking harder than a leaf on a windy autumn day. "I'm gonna die. I'm literally gonna die."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am." She threw up again. "Sh**."

"You're not gonna die via failed finals."

"Maybe not from the finals themselves."

"Wanda, calm down. Take some deep breaths, ok?"

"We have to do this again. Oh my god, we have to do that again. I'm gonna flunk, oh god, oh god, oh god! And Tony's gonna be so mad, he spent hours tutoring us! Oh, god!" She started scratching at her arm as if that would make the exams go away.

Pietro grabbed her wrists, pulling them away from each other. "No. Wanda, there is nothing worth your pain. F***ing finals can suck my a** if they make you hurt yourself."

"I... can't... breathe!"

"You have to calm down, Angel."

"I can't!"

"I'm calling Clint." Pietro pulled out his phone.

"No, no, no! You don't, that's not-" She started sobbing.

Pietro hit the call button next to Clint's contact and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hey, Brat. Are finals as bad as you thought?"

"Worse. Wanda's having one of the worst anxiety attacks I've ever seen."

"Oh, god. Does she need to leave?"

"I hate to say it, but I think so."

"What's got her so worked up?"

"She flunked."

"Is she sure?"

"Pretty. She couldn't think of the answers for half the questions. She guessed. And the finals were math, so, that's not gonna go well."

"She tried her best."

"Yeah, she did, and I did worse. I'm not eager to see those results."

Clint sighed.

'There goes social media,' Pietro thought.

"You two go back to class, I'm coming to pick you up. I'll see what I can do about getting Wanda to only have one final a day. I can't do anything better than that, though."


"I'll be there soon. Hang in there."

"I'm gonna take her to the nurse. I'll call if the nurse doesn't do anything."

"Alright, well, I'm on my way."


The phone clicked off.

"Wanda, we're going to the nurse, ok?"


Pietro helped her to her feet. She washed her hands and they headed down the hallway to the nurse.

On their arriving, the nurse arched an eyebrow. "Yes?"


"Puking? I'll give her something for nausea. But then it's back to class, she's just anxious."

"She's sick!"

"Sick from anxiety, I'm sure. She'll be ok with some medicine if she'll just calm down."

"It's not that simple!"

"A lot of people get like this during finals, she's not special." She handed Wanda a pill and a cup of water.

Wanda gulped down the medicine.

"Now, get to class you two."

Pietro resisted the urge to growl at her. "She's sick!"

"She'll be fine."

The secretary knocked on the door. "You two the Maximoff Twins?"

"Yeah," Pietro replied.

"Clint's here to pick you up."

"Good, thanks." Pietro glared at the nurse as he led Wanda to the office. Clint was talking to the principal, and Steve was with him.

"You two go on to the car," Steve said, tossing Pietro the keys.

An hour later, Wanda had just fallen asleep in her bed. Pietro stroked a lock of hair behind her ear. He kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, Angel."

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