The Twins (Billy and Tommy)

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What? Just cuz I haven't actually read the comics yet doesn't mean I'm oblivious! I've done research! Though this IS the MCU (main change, how old the twins were when they joined HYDRA dropped), I did still change quite a bit.

Also, today I noticed that Wanda was ten when her parents died, right? And she was nineteen in AoU, and twenty-two in IW. In a span of TWELVE years, she lost everyone she loved with her entire being. TWELVE years, my friends. I doubt it was on purpose, but Marvel's obsession with twelve is getting overkill.


Novi Grad, Sokovia


A young woman- if she was even old enough to be called that- stood outside a fire station. If there was anywhere that she did NOT want to be, it was here. But she didn't really have much choice.

She held two bundles in her arms, and a boy her age stood at her side. He kissed the side of her head. "I know it's hard, Sestra. But you know how HYDRA is. They'll find us soon, it's already been nearly six months. You have to leave them. They're the reason we left. HYDRA can't know about them."

"I know," The girl whispered, a tear dripping down her cheek.

A small cry came from one of the bundles in her arms. She bounced it slightly. "Shh, it's ok. Mama's got you."

"Wanda-" The boy said warningly.

"Just another minute!" Wanda begged. "Please, Pietro, please!"

"Wanda, you have to leave them. HYDRA will get them otherwise."

Tears leaked out of her eyes, and he shut up. He didn't want to upset her anymore than she already was.

"One more minute. And then we HAVE to go."

She gave him a slight smile. She held her own twins tighter against her chest for a few moments, tears dripping down her face. She didn't want to abandon them, but she loved them too much not to. "I love you, Billy. I love you, Tommy." She whispered quietly.

She quickly let out a quiet sob, and set the baby boys down along with a couple copies of a poorly written note and then took off at a run, he brother easily catching up to her. She kept running until she reached their makeshift shelter, where she dropped to the floor, overcome by sobs.

Pietro arrived, frowning at the sight of his grief-stricken sister. He said down, pulling her into his lap. He rocked her, gently rubbing her back.


Albany, New York, USA


A fourteen year old boy sat perched upon the desk in his bedroom. His best friend/twin brother was racing around the room.

"Slow down, Tommy," The boy said, rolling his eyes.

"Why should I, William?" His brother snapped sarcastically.

Billy rolled his eyes once again at the use of the name. "Because I said so, and I'm older."

"We don't have any proof of that. Last I checked, all our letter said was that we were twins and our names are Billy and Tommy. I didn't see anything about you being older."

Billy and Tommy has been placed in the same orphanage, but adopted by two different families. They'd reunited a year before when their adoptive parents all moved to Albany. The twins had no idea who their birth parents were, or the deeper details as to why their mother couldn't take care of them.

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