Follow Through (The Maximoff Twins)

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Angsty fluff. The twins are 19. This was EXACTLY 900 words 😂

TW: A itty bit of self harm. Also, remember I'm using Google translate, which hates phrases, so, excuse the DIRECT translations.


Wanda laid in bed, her blanket wrapped around her tightly. She stared listlessly at the wall, as usual. Ever since Pietro died, half of her was missing. Including the half that contained her heart.

She didn't understand how she was still alive. She and he brother were one soul in two bodies. They shouldn't be able to die without each other. She subconsciously scratched her arm. Once she noticed she was doing it, she hesitated. Then she started again.

A rapping at her door pulled her slightly out of her trance. She stopped and pulled down her sleeve. She sat up and used her powers to unlock and open the door. Steve and Clint walked in. "Hey, kid," Clint said, sitting down on the bed and putting her into his lap.

"So, kiddo," Steve said. "We have a surprise for you. We really think you're going to like it."

"I don't like surprises."

"You'll like this one," Clint tried to assure her.

"Natasha and Pepper said the same thing about that dress."

"And you love that dress."

"I don't like people spending their hard earned money on me for no reason."

"Don't worry, this is a surprise that none of us paid for you to have."

"Bring it here."

"No, you have to come," Steve said.

Wanda groaned. "This really better be a great surprise."

"Oh, trust me, it is. It'll be the best surprise of your life."

"Of you say so."

Wanda allowed to be lead out of the room, though she held Clint's hand for reassurance. They lead her to a quinjet. She gave them a confused look, but sat down just as she was told to.

When they arrived at their destination, Wanda was confused. "What are we doing at Dr. Cho's?"

"We have a surprise," Steve reminded her.

"What IS it, though?!"

"You'll see. We've known about it for a couple of months, but it wasn't clear if it would work out. In fact, it looked like it really wouldn't. So, we didn't tell you so you wouldn't get your hopes up. But now we know for sure."

These cryptic answers were only making Wanda more confused and curious. What was it?

They lead her halfway down a long hallway, to a closed door. "Here we are," Steve told her proudly.

Clint dramatically threw open the door. Wanda froze in her tracks. No. No way. She had to be seeing things. She HAD to. "Pietro?" She whispered.

"Hey, Sestra." He sheepishly smiled at her.

A huge grin spread across her face. She ran over to him, flinging herself into his outstretched arms. "Pietro!"

Pietro held her against his torso, stroking her hair. He kissed her head.


"I think there was a compliment somewhere in there," Pietro muttered.

Wanda glared at him. "I will smack you."

"Please don't, anděl." (Angel, if you couldn't guess)

"I'll think about it, ptačí mozek." (Bird brain)

"Now, that wasn't a compliment."

"What did she say?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, do we need Steve to bring in some soap?" Clint teased.

Wanda giggled. She'd been filled in on the "language!" incident. Pietro looked confused. Wanda told him the story through their mind link. She had reestablished it as soon as she had entered the room.

Pietro snickered. "Language?"

Steve facepalmed. "Just when I thought I had a chance. You're not one to forget that kind of thing, are you speedy?"


"Alespoň předstírat, že je milý!" Wanda scolded. (At least pretend to be nice)

"Ne. Zní to nudně." (No. Sounds boring)

Wanda really did smack him this time.

"What are you guys even saying?" Clint asked.

"Nikdy to neřekneme," Wanda smirked. (Roughly translates to "We'll never tell". Directly translates to "We will never say that". Again, I don't actually know Czech, and google isn't the most reliable. Bear with me here.)

"This was a great surprise, guys!" Wanda said. "Now get out! I want some time with my hloupý brother here." (Stupid)

"Hey!" Pietro exclaimed indignantly.

Clint and Steve chuckled, leaving the room.

Wanda snuggled up to her brother. Pietro grabbed her arm to move her into a more comfortable position laying down. She cringed.

Pietro's brows furrowed, and he slid up her sleeve. His look of confusion turned a deep frown. "Oh, Sestra, no."

"I'm sorry, Pietro," She said sadly. "Without you to stop me, I-"

"It's alright, it's ok. I'm not mad. C'mere." He laid down, and she rested her head against his chest. His fingers ran through her brunette locks. He gently kissed her forehead. "Miluji tě, Sestra." (I love you, Sister)

"Také tě miluji, Bratr." (I love you too, Brother)

They cuddled for a few minutes before the door opened, and Tony, Clint, and Steve walked in. Tony's voice rang through the air. "What a cute couple," He teased. "How long have they been together?"

"A little over nineteen years," Clint replies.


"Talk about dedication," Steve added.

"Shut up," Pietro grumbled.

Wanda threw a pen from the bedside table at them.

"How rude," Tony remarked.

"You're disgusting," Wanda called.

Tony gasped in fake insult.

Pietro rolled his eyes. "Go away so I can sleep."

"Make sure you wake up kiddo," Clint told him.

"I will. I can't leave Wanda again."

Wanda smiled at him.

"Alright, goodnight, Roadrunner," Tony called as they walked at the door.

"What the f*** does roadrunner mean?" Pietro mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

Wanda yawned. "I have no idea."

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