The Text (The Maximoff Twins)

987 19 11

Very short.


Wanda sighed, sitting up. She'd been laying in bed all day, watching tv and waiting for her brother to come home. She picked up her phone, texting him.

Wanda: How was your flight?

It took a couple of minutes, but the dots appeared onscreen, followed by a message.

Pietro: This is his gf. Who are you again? What's your business texting Piet? -_-

Wanda felt angry. She knew that in most cases, the girl's response would be reasonable. But Wanda knew full well that anyone who Pietro was serious about would know who Wanda was. This girl didn't, and that was all Wanda needed to know.

Wanda: First off, don't call yourself his "girlfriend". We both know you aren't official. One giveaway is if you were, we'd both know exactly who each other are. Second, don't flatter yourself thinking that you have more power than you do. I'm the girl who can make any other girl go from gf to ex in a second. Now, if you don't mind dropping your 'bad b*tch' act, tell me how my big brother's flight was.

It was a minute before the girl responded.

Pietro: It was fine, good. Great, actually.

Wanda: Glad to hear! Tell Pietro that I asked.

Pietro: Ok

Wanda: Buh-bye now

Pietro: Bye

Wanda turned her phone off, chuckling. What a moron that girl was. Thinking she could get away with the "I'm his girlfriend" gag. Wanda knew things.

About fifteen minutes later, Wanda called him.

"Hey, what'd up?"

"Not much. How was your flight?"

"It was fine."

"Why didn't you tell me you were bringing one of your girls with you on this work trip?"

"One, she's a coworker. We went out a couple times while we were there. Two, how'd you know?"

"Have you seen your texts?"


"Then you should go look at them after we're done talking. When will you be home?"

"About thirty minutes."

"Good. See you soon. Love you."

"Love you, too."

Not too long later, Pietro walked in, cracking up. "God, I love you, Wanda."

"Who doesn't?" Wanda tossed her hair.

"My would-be girlfriend."

Wanda shrugged. "I regret nothing."

"It was hilarious."

"Glad you think so."

"I'm glad you're glad, a*shole."

"What did I do to warrant such cruel words?"


Pietro scoffed and gently smacked her upside the head.

Wanda gave him a hug. "You know you love me."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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