Interview (Wanda Maximoff)

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Two weeks after Age of Ultron.


Tony had made the Avengers a YouTube channel after so many fans started asking what exactly went on in Avengers Tower. Tony figured: Why not show them?

"So," Tony said to the camera. "After the Battle of Sokovia, I, along with the rest of the Avengers have been getting question after question about the two people who helped us out in Sokovia, especially the girl we brought back.

"Mostly along the lines of, 'Who are they?' 'What are their names?' 'Are they superheroes?' 'Is the guy really dead?' 'Are they actually Sokovian?' 'What are their powers?' 'Are they related?' 'How old are they?' 'Is she living at the tower?' 'How does she get along with you?'

"And today I have brought one of those people here today to help answer your questions. And she will probably be in every video from now on. Come on over." Wanda walked over to him, taking a seat. "Alright, kid, how about we start with your name, then you can take it from there."

"Uh, hi. My name is Wanda Maximoff, and as my accent probably gave away, I really am Sokovian. I am 19 years old, and I had a twin brother named Pietro- who was the guy fighting in Sokovia. He died protecting the people of our city. I miss him a lot."

She wiped away a tear, doing her best to held the rest back. "His power, simplified, was super speed. I have several, including mind control and 'magic'. We don't really know the extent of them.

"I could definitely hate Tony if I wanted to- in fact I was more than willing to kill him two weeks ago. I actually still don't exactly like him, and he knows this. All I have to do is glare at him and he'll slowly back away." She smirked.

"I do not!"

"Do so."

"I'm pretty sure I would know if I did."

Wanda glared at him, and he about fell out of his seat. "You were saying?"

"That was a mere coincidence."

Wanda looked at the camera with a deadpan expression, like she was sarcastically saying 'uh-huh.' "Anyway, yes, I'm living at the tower. I don't really have anywhere else to go. I like it here, for the most part."

"For the most part?" Tony asked. "What isn't great about it? You're living with a bunch of superheroes!"

"You guys treat me like I'm six!"

"Not true."

"Oh, yeah? Just yesterday I stubbed my toe, and like any sane person, I said 'Ow.' I was immediately greeted with an 'Are you ok?!' From everyone except Clint, who asked if I needed a band-aid."

"That was one time. Who says that's a normal thing?"

"How about earlier today when Vision accidentally walked in on me changing? I laughed it off, but the rest of you are still pi**ed."


"My point has been proven. I swear, you guys are as bad as Pietro."

Tony pouted. "Alright, maybe we do baby you a little. But you're tiny!"

"19 is not tiny."

"The rest of us are like teenage years or more older than you. Some of us are literally twice your age. To us, you are tiny."

"You didn't think that when where on opposite sides."

"You're tiny, but very dangerous."

"Alright, I can live with that one. Ok, so... I miss Sokovia, obviously. But it being destroyed should not be thrown onto Tony. I say this as someone who was there when it fell. Like literally, I was on it. I would've died if it wasn't for Vision. If I can forgive Tony, a lot of people should.

"There were what, 100-200 deaths? Out of thousands? They tried to get people out! The only ones who died were the ones who hid.

"None of you know my backstory, either. Let me fill you in. When I was ten, my apartment building got bombed. One bomb struck my apartment, killing both of my parents. Another bomb hit just a couple of floors above me. My brother and I were trapped under a bunch of rubble. Another bomb landed a meter away from us. It didn't go off though, why I don't know, but it was still active. We were trapped like that, terrified for our lives, for two days.

"The authorities managed to get out all the survivors in a few hours except for us, because that bomb proved a huge threat. When they finally did get us, we had basically frozen in place, and we couldn't let go of each other. They had to pry us apart in order to treat our many, many injuries.

"One thing stuck in my mind, clear as day, and that was the image of the bomb that nearly killed me. And the big, white words emblazoned on it. Do you know what the words were?

"'Stark Industries'. Those were the words. The reads I had to read over and over again, hundreds of not thousands of times over two days. All because Tony did a lousy job knowing exactly what his company was doing."

Tony cringed.

"So, obviously, I have a perfect reason to hate him. I can blame my family's deaths on him, I can seek revenge on him like I wanted to just a few weeks ago. But I don't. Because I learned that hate can blind you. I'm not completely innocent, either, I helped Ultron before I learned his true intentions.

But I've learned that everyone does bad things for what they think are the right reasons. There isn't a use to lingering on the past, unless it helps you. It's the past, it's dead and gone. Tony is mad at himself for this, too. And it's alright to be angry, to be furious, but just don't let it blind you. That was a mistake that my brother and I made, and I will be striving to not make again. Thanks for listening to me for whatever reason you did. I hoped I answered your questions. If you have anymore, feel free to leave them in the comments."

She got up and left, unable to contain the tears that fell from her eyes. She hated having to relive her trauma, but she knew she had done the right thing. She locked herself into her room, and just let herself cry. Her life was just so messed up.

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