Just a Scratch (ScarletVision)

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Sorry for the poor quality of the pic, Wattpad was INSISTENT that my camera roll was not available. Even though the pic from the last chapter came from my camera roll 🙄. I had to physically get on Pinterest, find the picture and take a picture of it with my phone. Like, seriously.

I did add the picture the day before I actually published this though.

Team Cap was released from the Raft instead of being broken out.


Wanda felt the guard unclasp the collar around her neck. The straightjacket was peeled off of her body. She shivered at at the crisp air in the cell. The guard helped her into normal clothes- her clothes. Wanda pulled to her feet.

Wanda's legs shook hard, and she almost fell. She clung to the guard for support. She limped to the landing strip, where everyone was waiting. Clint ran forward and embraced her. "Oh, Maxi!"

He gently grabbed her face in his hands. He examined her face, which she was pretty sure looked beat up. The guard who had escorted her had also put a band-aid on her head. "You look awful! What happened?"

Wanda shrugged. Her throat was sore and she didn't want to talk. Clint seemed to pick up on this as he said, "You can tell me later."

They got on the quinjet. Wanda slept the whole way back. She hadn't been getting too much sleep in the prison. Clint gently shook her awake when they arrived back at the Avengers' facility. He helped her to her feet.

Wanda still couldn't walk very well, so Clint supported her until they got to the couch, where she sat down. Her face hurt, but she didn't want to worry anyone, so she didn't say anything.

"Oh my goodness!" She heard a voice exclaim. She felt Vision gently placing his hands on the sides of her face as Clint had, trying to examine her wounds.

"I'm fine, Vision. It's just a scratch." She said quietly. Her voice was hoarse, and it broke as she spoke.

"Just a scratch?! Wanda, your face is all cut up and bruised! What happened to you?!"

"Idiocy. I mouthed off to the guards. I'm fine, really. It looks worse than it is." She honestly had no idea if that was a lie or not.

"Have you even seen yourself?!"

Wanda shrugged. She hadn't, but it couldn't be too bad. Vision handed her her phone after putting in the camera. She looked at herself, her eyes going wide. She knew that she was injured, but... not like this. This was kind of extreme. No wonder everyone kept asking if she was ok.

"Help me to my room?" She asked him.

"Of course."

He gently slipped his hands under her armpits and lifted her up. She draped her arms around his shoulders and he helped her limp to her room. He set her down on the bed, and she curled up.

"How'd you really get those cuts?"

"A guard asked me to tell him where Steve and Bucky were. I told him he would have to f***ing beat me."

Vision looked horrified. But his horror was misleading. "What vulgar language, Wanda!"

Wanda smiled, rolling her eyes. "You sound like Steve."

"Because Steve is a smart man, for the most part." He took her chin in his hand. "You need to get those cuts cleaned. I'll take you to Dr. Cho. Come on." He scooped her up.

"Thanks, Vizh."

He smiled at her. "It's my pleasure."

"You're so polite."

"I see no reason why I wouldn't be."

Wanda smiled. She rested her head against his chest. "They way you act is so cute."

"Thank you," Vision responded in a normal tone. Though, he was sure that if he was able to blush, he would have.

Wanda giggled at him.

They reached the med bay. Wanda frowned as Vision gently placed her on a bed. "You're staying, right?"

Vision smiled. "If you want me to."

"I do."

"Then that sounds fine to me."

Wanda nodded, happy.

Dr. Cho came in soon after and cleaned her up. There were a few bruises on her body that she treated, too. The cuts she had to stitch up, but she assured them that they would be fine. They wouldn't even scar. Well, except for the one above her right eye that was a scar that had gotten torn open. It would be a more obvious blemish now.

Dr. Cho released Wanda, and Vision carried the young woman back to her room.

"Vision, do you think that the scar will be ugly now that it's more noticeable?"

"I don't think that you'll ever be able to be ugly."

Wanda blushed. "Thanks, Vizh."

"You're welcome, Wanda."

They stared into each other's eyes for a minute before snapping back into reality. "I'm gonna go to sleep, ok?"

"But it's only nine o'clock. You haven't eaten dinner yet."

"I'm not too hungry, Vizh. I'll eat a big-ish breakfast to make up for it ok? I used to only eat every other day. I'll be fine doing it one more time, I promise."

"Ok fine. But you have to eat a substantial breakfast tomorrow."

"Oh course. Goodnight, Vizh."

"Goodnight, Wanda."

She snuggled into the bed, and Vision gently tucked her in. A smile tugged at her lips as Vision left the room. He flipped off the light, leaving her to sleep soundly. 

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