Cold (The Maximoff Twins)

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Once again fluff. I keep getting bribed- well, this time, I did the bribing, but whatever. Twins' age: 19 

GIMME THE UPDATE NOW jruecker22! Seriously! Enjoy your fluff!


Pietro yawned. He sat up and stretched, trying not to wake Wanda, who was sleeping beside him. There had been a blizzard the night before, preventing either twin from sleeping. So they had cuddled in Pietro's bed with hot cocoa, and watched a bunch of hallmark movies until they fell asleep. As if they didn't all have the same basic plot, and everyone knew exactly how they were going to end. Pietro hated them, but Wanda liked them, so he watched them anyway. (A/N I personally am not a hallmark fan. My mom is, especially the Christmas ones. Though, I did compare hallmark to Disney once.)

Despite Pietro's efforts, Wanda woke up with a small yawn. She instantly clung to him like a baby koala, trying to stay wrapped up in the comforter. "It's cold!" She whined.

Pietro wanted to snap back that she was being overdramatic, but how was he supposed to know? Only the most extreme temperatures affected him. And, anyway, he was hungry.

He pried his sister's arms off of himself, and got up, walking towards the door.

"It's too cold! Come back!" Wanda whined, curling up in the blanket. "Please? You're warm!"

Pietro chuckled. "I'm also hungry, Wanda. You know I have to eat."

"Just a few more minutes?"

"I'll be back in a few more minutes."

"Fine. But at least come back with my blankets."

"Got it." He ran to the kitchen where he put some toast into the toaster.

"Hey, Roadrunner," Sam said. Pietro looked over, noticing the man was wearing a parka. It really MUST be cold. "The heating system completely busted. Tony should have it fixed in about thirty minutes. How are you not freezing? "

"Improved thermal homeostasis."

Sam looked at him in confusion.

Pietro laughed. "Basically, temperatures only start affecting me once they're extreme enough to kill the average person in- less than an hour. I think. It's a super speed perk."

"Lucky. Your sister have that trick?"

"Oh, heck no. Her powers actually tend to make her colder. But she can tolerate freezing temperatures for a long time anyway, since we're used to them in Sokovia."

"If that was me, I would be dead by now," Sam snorted. "If you two wanna join us, we're in Steve's room because he has a fireplace."

"Why does he have a fireplace?"

"For the aesthetic. But, of course, Tony had to make it a legit working fireplace. It's a good thing now, I suppose."

"It is." The toast popped up, and Pietro grabbed it. "I'm starving. And we may join you if I can convince Wanda to get out of bed."

"Good luck with that."

Pietro laughed and ran to Wanda's room. He grabbed her blankets and flung open the door to his room. He ran over, draping the blanket on top of her, and slid into the bed. She cuddled close, shivering. She sneezed. Pietro noticed that she felt feverish. "You good, sestra?"

"Yeah, yeah." She was sniffling. "I'm fine."


"I'm not-" Sneeze. "Lying." Sneeze.

Pietro rolled his eyes, grabbing a tissue from beside the bed. "Sure you're not," He said, wiping her runny nose. He threw the tissue into the trash. "You definitely don't have a cold."

"Exactly right!" Wanda said cheerily. The tone off her voice apparently triggered a coughing fit. Pietro sighed, knowing there wasn't much he could do. He ran to the infirmary and grabbed some cold medicine. He gave it to her, and she swallowed it.

"Do you want to go to Steve's room? They have a heater."

Wanda shook her head, sneezing again. "No." Then she started whining. "My head hurts!"

"Well, yeah, you're sick."

"You're mean."

"How am I mean?"

"Cuz you keep sayin' I'm sick!" She coughed hard.

Pietro groaned, but knew better than to argue with her. He made her drink some water. There was a sudden loud noise. 'Tony must have cut the heat back on,' Pietro thought.

Wanda yawned beside him. He smiled slightly. "How about you go to sleep, Sis? It should be warm once you wake up."

"Yeah. Yeah, ok." She yawned again, soon falling asleep, clinging to him. He smiled at her, pulling out his phone and taking a quick selfie- which he'd later post to embarrass her- and then went on scrolling through his social media pages. 

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