Liability (Avengers)

931 24 11

Wanda's age is 17 in this story here.

TW: Abuse/torture


Natasha groaned, rolling onto her back. She couldn't believe that they had gotten captured. But, they had. Everyone else was stirring around her. She was in a cell with Clint, Steve, and Wanda.

Sam, Tony, and Rhodey were in the cell across from them, also waking up. Wanda tried to sit up, but her arms gave out. Natasha cringed as the girl's head hit the concrete floor.

Clint protectively pulled the girl into his grasp. He checked her for injuries. There was just the new scrape on her face and a cut on her side from the fight. Clint wished he had something to bandage it with, but he didn't.

A HYDRA thug walked up to the cell Nat, Clint, Steve, and Wanda shared, smirking. "So I need you to answer a few questions for us. Answer them, and you can leave. Don't, and things will get messy."

"Good try. We're not scared of you," Tony scoffed.

"Not scared of ME, maybe. But maybe of something that I can do." He opened the door to the cell and walked in. A few guards followed him.

Clint held Wanda tighter. With each step towards Wanda and Clint, all the Avengers eyes locked on him. What was his angle?

Natasha figured it out before anyone else. "Don't you DARE touch her!"

The man simply smirked at her before ripping Wanda out of Clint's grasp. She was only half-conscious, and had cuffs and gloves tightly binding her hands, which would make it harder to use her magic. In other words, she was helpless.

"This pretty little girly here seems to be a weakness for all of you. We figure that it's an easy weakness to exploit."

"WHAT THE H*** ARE YOU GONNA DO TO HER?!" Tony yelled.

The man smiled deviously. "You'll see." He dragged Wanda off before anyone could do anything.

A half hour later, the tv screen in the cells turned on. An video feed of Wanda bound to a chair was shown. Blood dripped down her face, mostly from her nose and mouth. Her green eyes were bloodshot and blacked. There was a large bruise on her right cheekbone. Her lips were dry and cracked. She licked them, bringing some moisture back into them. She looked up at the camera, slightly shaking her head. Her meaning was clear. Don't answer them.

"So, Avengers," Dr. List smirked as he appeared on the screen. "I need you to answer a few questions for me or little Ms. Maximoff will suffer the consequences."

Wanda growled at him. He stomped on her foot, rolling his eyes. She grit her teeth. Her gaze showed pure hatred.

"So, first question," He said, pulling out a tiny metal box with a small button on the top of it. "Where is one of your bases?"

No one answered him.

He laughed. "I never said it had to be your main one. Where is one, just one? I think Wanda is going to want you to answer that question."

Wanda spit into his face.

He wiped it away. "Anyone want to answer?" Silence. He sighed and pressed the button.

Wanda screamed, and started struggling to free her arms. She tried to pull her hands up, likely to grasp her head, but she couldn't. She threw her head back. She stopped screaming, but she was panting.

"Did that hurt, Ms. Maximoff?" Dr. List laughed.

"What did you do to her?"

List smirked. "Directed electric pulse. They effect her more than an average human. We think it's due to her neuroelectric interfacing, that she has extra electricity in her brain to make that possible. Meaning if we give her even more... well, you saw. That was only enough to give the average person a migraine."

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