Civil War (High School AU) Part One

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Ok, so... this is an AU. The storyline is really freaking complicated for a oneshot. 😂 I thought stuff out pretty seriously. Almost too seriously.


"These new rules are stupid!" Steven Rodgers exclaimed.

"They'll help people, Rodgers!" Anthony Stark argued.

This argument between Steve, senior and captain of the school's football team, and Tony, also a senior and the genius science prodigy who somehow was one of the most popular kids in school, had been going on for the last hour ever since the assembly that had announced the new school rules.

The rules "simply" stated that any and all kids who got into fights, or were suspected of having gotten into a fight had to go to the principal- Directer Fury's- office. If the fight was concluded to have indeed happened, parents- or guardians- would be called.

That didn't seem like too bad of a thing- unless you were in the group of friends who had been dubbed the Avengers. They got into fights fairly regularly, and the two biggest ones were what prompted the new rules. One had happened a year before- and wasn't entirely their fault. (Neither was the first BIG thing, but the school board and authorities had agreed with them on that one.)

See, their school was a private school, and an awful lot of rich kids attended it. If you were crazy enough, it would look like the perfect place to target for ransom. The first big incident had been when a lunatic called Ultron- who totally was not Tony's cousin, why would you think that?- tried to destroy that particular city block by bombing the school. The Avengers has managed to stop him- with the help of their new "allies", twin freshmen, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. The twins were immigrants from some country called Sokovia, which had been completely demolished in the civil war there.

The school was evacuated in time to get everyone to safety, except for about three students and five staff.

But, unfortunately Pietro had ended up getting shot and killed by Ultron, to which Wanda had responded by shooting and killing HIM. She had been let off of charges by it being considered self-defense. She would have died in the ensuing explosion if Tony's younger brother, Victor- or Vision as he was called by his friends- hadn't managed to run in and get her out just in time.

The more recent fight had happened a bit more difficultly. (This school really had a rough last few years- the original six Avengers' first year had been pretty eventful, too.) A suicidal shooter had tried to shoot up the place, and they had to take him down. Wanda ultimately had to be the one to contain him until "the proper authorities" arrived, but he managed to break out of her grip and kill fifteen students- including eleven exchange students- before taking himself out.

Wanda, for whatever reason, had gotten blamed for the deaths. And it was at that point the authorities and the school board had cooked up the new rules. They had decided that since the Avengers always seemed to be involved in the biggest incidents, they had to sign papers saying that they agreed to the new rules. If they didn't, they would be expelled.

"These are ridiculously prejudiced!" Steve said angrily. "I mean, c'mon! It's not fair only we have to sign them. And it's not fair that we'll get expelled if we don't!"

"But we don't make the rules, we have to follow them! We have to sign the papers even if we don't want to!" Tony countered. "If we get expelled, do you know what will happen? Wanda's foster parents will have to call their and Wanda's case workers. And do you know what they'll do?"

"They'll take me away," Wanda quietly finished.

"We won't let that happen," Vision assured her.

"We wouldn't have a choice," Natasha snapped. "That's up to the government. And the government isn't going to be swayed by a few teenagers."

The tension in the group was rising.

"Well, I'm signing it," Tony said. "And anyone else who knows what's best for us will too."

Steve rolled his eyes before his phone buzzed with a text message. He glanced down at it, and then he suddenly looked sad. He left the hallway. Several of them were tempted to follow him, but only Natasha did.

He was sitting on top of a desk in an empty classroom.

"What happened?"

Steve silently handed her the phone as tears dripped down his face.

'She's gone.' Was all the message read, but Natasha didn't need to know anymore. She knew all about Steve's friend/crush, Peggy Carter. She had moved to London a few years prior, and had been diagnosed with brain cancer a few few months before. She must've died.

"I'm so sorry, Steve."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Nat. You had nothing to do with it."

"I know that, but..." She trailed off. They just sat there in silence for a few minutes before either of them said anything. "You know we'll always be here for you."

"Of course I do."

"No matter what we decide to do about the stupid papers."

Steve smiled a little at her. "What are you doing?"

"I think I'm going to sign."


They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Tasha, would you come to London with me? You don't have to, of course. But-"

"Of course I'll come. And I'm sure everyone else will, too."

"Anyone but Tony."

"Steve, really?"

"Yes, really. I've had it up to my neck with that guy. I need a break."


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