Ain't It Fun (Wanda Maximoff)

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Not a songfic, despite what it looks like. Post Age of Ultron.


Streams of light ran across the gray wall. Wanda dug her hands into the soft surface she was laying on. She was pretty sure she'd never felt something this soft. It was a mattress and sheets, and under her head was the softest pillow she'd ever rested her head on, she quickly deduced. Everything was so soft. Too soft. It was kind of uncomfortable. But... what was she doing there?

She opened her eyes, taking in what she could see of the nicely sized room. This certainly wasn't the streets of Sokovia- or, really no where in Sokovia she and Pietro could afford. Wait? Where was Pietro?

She reached out to her left, expecting to find Pietro laying there. But... he wasn't? She sat up, scanning the room. He wasn't there. Confusion filled her. Why wasn't Pietro there?

And then it hit her. The whole, horrible truth. And the memory nearly made her scream. Pietro wasn't here because he was DEAD. He was dead. She felt her breathing go rapid as she frantically climbed out of the bed. She quickly paced around, trying desperately to figure out where she was.

She remembered siding with the Avengers. She remembered helping them clean up her and her brother's mess. She remembered passing out after the robot rescued her for some reason. Wait, did they bring her back to America with them?!

She raced to the window, pulling up the blinds. Sunlight filled the room. She stared outside. This was NOT her Sokovia. Huge buildings surrounded her. And while she'd usually be entranced by the sight, all it did was make her panic, as it confirmed her suspicions.

She yanked the blinds back down, running back to the bed as quietly as she could. She laid back down, trying to get comfortable. But it was too soft. She scrambled out of the bed, grabbing a blanket from the bottom of it.

She saw a rug on the floor by the bed. She stepped on it in her escape from the bed. She curled up on it, draping the blanket over herself. She used her arms as a pillow. There. That was what she was used to. After struggling to slow her breathing back down, she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she was back in the horrible, soft bed. Probably they thought that she'd somehow fallen out. This time, it was easy to remember her brother. Wait... if she was in here, where was he? They knew to bury him in Sokovia, right?!

She bolted upright. She had to find out. But she couldn't leave the room, could she? She hadn't been told if she could. Guilt churned in her gut as she remembered what she'd done to the Avengers. What reason did they have to help her? They were probably going to torture her or something. She didn't deserve their pity, after all.

She laid back down on the awful bed. She heard the door open a few minutes later.

"Good to see you awake," A male voice said. She tilted her head slightly to see Hawkeye. He was holding a glass of water and a tray of food. "Dr. Cho said you would wake up today."

A new thought occurred to her. "How long has it been?" She asked, her voice raspy.

"Since you passed out? Three days."

"Where's my brother?" She asked with some courage.

Hawkeye froze. "Umm, well, he's..."

A tear slipped out of Wanda's eye. "I... I know what happened. I... I want to know where he is. Where you put him."

The man's eyes widened with understanding. "Oh. He's here. We wanted to wait until you woke up so you could make a decision. After all, he is your brother."

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