Bitty Twins (The Maximoff Twins)- Part Two

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Pietro and Wanda^^^


Nat and Clint wrestled the twins into the outfits Pepper had bought for them.

"Aww, they're so cute," Thor's girlfriend, Jane, gushed. She was at the tower for research, and was ecstatic when she found out what happened to the twins- humor at its peak.

Pietro blew a raspberry at her.

"Pietro Django!" Natasha reprimanded.

The toddler pouted.

Wanda smacked him. "Be nice, bubba!"

"But I don't wanna."

"Too. Bad. You are not being nice today! Say sorry to Miss Jane!"

Pietro shook his head.

Wanda gave him a stern look. "Piet. Say sorry."

"I'm not sorry, so I'm not gonna say it."

"You should anyway."

"But grownups say not to lie," Pietro said with a cheeky smile.

Wanda slapped him right across the face. "BE! NICE!"

"She's not taking any of his sh**," Bruce snickered under his breath.

"That she certainly isn't," Jane laughed. "It's alright, Wanda. Now, tell your brother sorry for hitting him."

The small girl's jaw dropped. "But-"

Jane raised an eyebrow.

Wanda pouted. "Sorry, Pietro."

"It's ok," Pietro said pridefully.

Wanda pinched his back when no one was looking.

"Ouch! Natty, Cwint! Wanda pinched me!"

"You deserved it," Nat informed him.

He looked shocked.

"Do you want to complain, or do you want to go to the park?" Clint asked.

"THE PARK!" Pietro exclaimed.

"That's what I thought. C'mon."

Nat and Clint loaded the twins into a car. Pepper had also bought car seats and a double stroller, which they would probably donate once the twins were back to normal.

"My seat is prettier than yours," Wanda bragged to her twin. She was very pleased with her seat, which was brown with pink flowers.

"Who cares about pretty? Mine's cool! It has race cars!"

Natasha and Clint exchanged looks. It had been pretty quickly apparent that little Pietro and Wanda argued a lot more than their teenaged selves.

"Race cars are boring! Who wants to spend hours watching cars drive in circles?!"

"Drive in circles really fast! But not as fast as me!"

The adults were suddenly very glad Pietro was restrained in a car seat.

"Stop bickering and we'll go get ice cream after playing in the park," Tasha said.

"ICE CREAM?!" The twins squealed. They instantly fell silent after a look from Nat.

"I'm bored!" Pietro whined about halfway there.

Clint rolled his eyes and pulled out the toys Pepper had wisely purchased. A Hot Wheels car for Pietro, and a Barbie for Wanda.

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