Nightmares (Team Cap) Part Two of Carry On

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This is a oneshot regarding Team Cap *cough* the better team *cough* after they break out of the raft.


"Why aren't you in the Raft?" A familiar voice said from behind her.

Wanda turned around to see Pietro standing there. Bullets riddled his torso. She cringed, closing her eyes.

His hand grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I asked you a question, sestra."

"Steve got us out."

"Why'd you go with him?"

Wanda froze, not having expected the question. "Because I didn't deserve to be there?" That's what the others told her.

"That's a lie and we both know it. You deserve to be there." He said the latter sentence lightheartedly. "You did kill innocent people, Wanda."

"It-it was an accident."

"Sure it was. But that doesn't change the facts. If you can't control something that dangerous, you deserve to be in that jacket and collar. After all, you're safer to people that way."

Tears brimmed in her eyes. "But, bratr, the guards, they hurt me, even when I didn't do anything wrong-"

"You KILLED people, Wanda. Isn't that reason enough?"

"I guess it is..." She said, shrinking away from him.

"Don't be afraid of ME. YOU'RE the monster here, not me."

"No, I-I'm not-"

"Why do you keep lying to yourself? You know it's true."

Wanda stayed silent, tears dripping down her face.

"You blew up the building. The same way Stark's bomb did ours. If Stark deserved to rot for his crimes, then you definitely do. After all, he wasn't even the one who actually blew it up."

"Bratr, stop, please."

"Why should I?"

"WANDA!" A new voice yelled.

Wanda jolted upright, her chest heaving. Her neck was throbbing from where she had gotten shocked. Her back, arms, and chest ached from where the straightjacket had been. She opted to ignore the pain. The bruises were nasty, they would probably hurt for a while. She knew she should probably ice them, but she didn't want to worry the others.

"Thank god you're awake," Clint said gently, pulling her into his lap. "I've gotcha. You're safe now."

Wanda realized she was trembling.

"You ok?" Steve asked her.

Wanda nodded, giving him a weak smile. "Sorry I woke you guys up."

"We've all been there, kid," Sam said. "There's nothing to worry about. Don't sweat it. You want to talk about it?"

"Nah, I'm good." Seeing the other's doubtful looks, she rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, really. Just a dream. I'll get a cup of water or whatever if it'll make your little hearts happy."

"Alright," Clint said skeptically. Mostly everyone settled back into bed. Wanda did go get the cup of water, and Bucky who had been grabbing a snack when she started crying, looked her over.

"They mean the best. They are a bit annoying though," He said.

"They are an acquired taste."

They stood together in silence. Once he was sure everyone was asleep, he asked her something. "What was the dream?"

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