Words (Wanda Maximoff/Bucky Barnes)

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I actually got the inspiration from that comment^ on a WinterWitch oneshot book. I guess this could be seen as WinterWitch oneshot, so if you ship them, you're in luck. If you don't, they're a nice BROTP. I mean, Wanda's 22 in this oneshot, so it wouldn't be pedophilia or anything gross like that. (Also, I apologize for the crappy quality of that edit, it refused to be fixed, haha.)


Wanda had a secret. It wasn't an important secret. Or at least, that's what she kept telling herself. HYDRA fell. Strucker was dead. There was nothing to worry about. Well, Dr. List had been given the journal, but Wanda hadn't encountered it. And, anyway, only Strucker and List knew about it.

The Civil War had ended with a treaty. They had talked it out, and Steve and Bucky were taken in. After several psych screenings, they were given the clear, and Bucky was released after the authorities found that Bucky had been framed for the UN bombing in Vienna.

Recently, the German authorities found a journal on Dr. List's body. Unfortunately for them, the writing was in Sokovian, a language very few people knew. But since the Avengers had the Sokovian citizen Wanda Maximoff, they had sent the journal to New York.

Now it was sitting on the kitchen counter. The Avengers were just looking at it, and at her, waiting for her to pick it up. She took it in her hands. It trembled as her hands did. This journal was all too familiar to her.

"I don't even have to read this," Wanda said.

The others looked at her in confusion.

"I recognize this from my time with HYDRA," Wanda continued. "It has notes about the experiments, and about me and Pietro. Strucker used to carry it with him everywhere. He handed it to List the day you guys attacked."

"By the look on your face, that's not all it has," Bucky said. "I know that expression."

Wanda inhaled deeply. "Back when the experiments had just ended, Strucker wanted to make sure Pietro and I couldn't turn on him. So, he did something similar to what was done to Bucky. Brainwashed us, gave us code words, like his. They never ended up needing them, though. The one and only time that they ever used them was to make sure the words. worked."

"Why didn't you mention this before?" Steve asked sternly.

"I- I didn't think... It didn't seem important. Strucker was dead, and the only other person who knew the words was List. If anyone else knew, I would have told you."

Clint rubbed his face. "Wanda... you are begging for trouble. What would have happened if someone other than the feds got their hands on this?"

Wanda shrugged. "Something bad, probably."

"You've seen how dangerous Bucky is when he's in Winter Soldier mode!" Sam scolded. "You'd be a gazillion times worse!"

"A) I actually HAVEN'T seen Bucky in WS mode, Washington, D.C. was before my time, and I wasn't IN Europe during the whole Zemo incident. And the three times I saw him at HYDRA, he was either not in soldier mode, or the one time he was, wasn't actually doing anything other than watching. B) Don't you think I know that? If I had been worried, I would have told you."

"Can you tell us the words, at least?" Tony asked.

Wanda looked at him like he was stupid. "I can think of several reasons why the answer to that is no."

"Well, how else are we supposed to know them?"

"It's not like I can't find them in the journal."

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