Family Matters (Wanda Maximoff)

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Warning: some out-of-character-ness 

Wanda's age: 17


Wanda Maximoff played on her phone, half-listening to the mission assignment. She wasn't paying too much attention until something Fury said caught her ear.

"So, in short, your mission is get Magneto, aka Erik Lehnsherr."

Wanda's hands suddenly lost their grip, leaving her fumbling with her phone for a few seconds before it hit the floor. Erik Lehnsherr? No, no, no way. She had to have misheard Fury, right? Or there was another Erik Lehnsherr. Erik was a common name.

The other Avengers were giving her strange looks.

"Excuse me, I-" She ran ran out of the room before finishing her sentence. Even after she left the room, she could hear their conversation in her head.

"What was that about?" Natasha asked.

"Who knows?" Tony replied. "She's a weird kid."

"Anyway, so this guy is enhanced, right?" Rhodey asked.

"Yes, he can control metal. Which takes you and Tony out of the game," Fury answered.

"How'd he get his powers?" Nat asked.

"Apparently, he got struck by lightning or something as a teenager. Some scientists ran tests on him afterwards and found an abnormality in his DNA. A mutation referred to as the 'X gene'."

"By those who believe in it," Maria Hill added. "Not everyone does. I myself am skeptical."

"I don't buy it either," Tony stated. "I'd need to see it with my own eyes. I just think it's some abnormality. Banner believed it, though."

"As do I," Dr. Cho said.

"What even is it?" Sam asked.

"The 'X gene' is a genetic mutation. It is very rare, and is often passed down generation to generation, which mean the numbers of those with it grow. But you can also just have it for no apparent reason. If you want to know what exactly is so special about it, it's said that it can give those with it superpowers if they are in a life or death balance. Like after they've been struck with lightning or something. Or if, say, they were having Loki's scepter used on them."

"Are you saying Wanda has it?" Tony asked.

"I'm not sure she does, but it's a logical explanation for how she and her brother survived when no one else did."

Wanda was deeply interested. She'd never heard of this 'X gene' before, but Cho thought that she and Pietro might have it? She kept listening.

"Hold up, do you guys think Wanda left because she heard the name Erik Lehnsherr?" Hill suddenly asked.

"I did notice she reacted strangely to the name," Fury replied.

"Well, I did, too. So I pulled up her file, and guess what I found out."

'Oh, sh**,' Wanda thought to herself.

"Her father, Django Maximoff, isn't her biological father. He adopted them after he married their mother. Her biological father is named- get this- Erik Lehnsherr."

The room went quiet.

"Well, sh**," Tony said. "Do you think she'll be able to take this mission? She's our powerhouse. I hate to admit it, but we probably won't be able to do it without her."

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