Just Your Average Day (Avengers)

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I have literally been writing off and on since March, and I have a little over a 1,000 words to show for it  -_- 

Oh, well.


"Wow, Nat. Nice hair," Rhodey said as Natasha walked into the room.

Her red curls were frizzy and pulled up into a messy ponytail. Wanda, who trailed groggily behind her, didn't look that much better. Nat flipped the veteran off.

"Whoa, Ms. Frizzle, Wanda! I hope you aren't planning on taking a field trip on the magic school bus today," Clint remarked. "I don't think you're up for it."

Natasha gave him a death glare. "Shut. The. H***. Up."

"At least your name isn't actually Ms. Frizzle," Wanda grumbled. "I can never escape the jokes."

"And you shouldn't want to," Tony said, pouring a cup of coffee. "You have been blessed with this rare opportunity!"

"Shut up, Stark. Or I swear, I'll call you Carlos for the rest of the day."

"I'd like to see you try. I'm not sure you'd be able to remember that. I'll give you $500 if you can pull it off."

"Deal," Wanda said, grabbing a piece of turkey bacon.

"Training is in fifteen minutes," Steve said.

Everyone groaned.

"Do we HAVE to?" Wanda whined.

"Little Witch, your age is showing," Rhodey teased.

"Yeah, act a little less teenager-y," Tony remarked, dropping a kitchen towel on her head as he walked by. "Aren't you supposed to be mature?"

"Aren't you? And I thought wisdom comes with age, too. Apparently not. For you at least. You should be a LOOOOTTTT wiser." She plucked the towel off her head.

"I'm not that old!"

"You are old enough to remember when the first Star Wars movie CAME OUT. You looked at me like I was crazy when I called it an old movie!"

"A New Hope came out in '77!"

"I wasn't even BORN until TWENTY YEARS after that! It's old!"

"Then you're a baby! Someone explain why we have a helpless little baby on the team?"

"Haha," Wanda said sarcastically. "You're SO funny, Carlos."

"I know I am. You're so lucky to be blessed with my presence."

Wanda rolled her eyes in a good natured fashion. She grabbed a donut and walked out of the room, throwing the kitchen towel she was still holding in Tony's face.

It took Steve a minute to remember what he'd said earlier. "HEY, MAXIMOFF! TRAINING IN TWELVE!"

There was a faint "No!"


No response. Steve huffed.

Sam chuckled. "Out of all the teenagers you guys could have picked, you went with the angsty, lazy one?"

"We had to get one who would fit in, Wilson," Tony commented. "We wouldn't want her to feel out of place."

"That's true," Rhodey agreed.

Natasha snorted. "I slept three hours last night. Where is my coffee?"

Sam wordlessly poured her a mug and slid it across the counter to her. She took the biggest gulp she could swallow. "Show of hands, who wants to train today?"

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