Good Day (Team Cap)

877 18 14

Wanda's 16

This one's for PrincessRainbow121. You said protective Team Cap would be cute. This isn't really protective, per se, but you get the idea.


A ping pong ball bounced back and forth on the hotel countertop. "Beat that, TicTac!" Sam teased as he scored another point.

Scott scoffed. "Oh, I'm so gonna kick your a** now!"

"Guys, keep it down," Clint scolded from the couch. "Wanda's trying to take a nap."

Wanda had a stomach ache and decided to take a nap, figuring that she'd feel better when she woke up. The men were trying to keep the volume down, but they kept slipping up. A fight scene on that Arrow show Clint and Steve were watching and Scott and Sam's table tennis match were occasionally louder than anticipated. Luckily, she hadn't woken up.

"Sorry," Scott apologized. He and Sam went back to their game.

"Someone should go wake Wanda up," Sam pointed out. "It's five. We probably want her to sleep tonight."

"Oh, sh**, you're right. I'll go get her." Clint got up from the couch, walking over to the bed were the teen was sleeping.

"Steve, he said a bad language word!" Sam exclaimed.

Steve rolled his eyes. "I said 'language!' one time, people! One time!"

Clint gently shook Wanda awake. "Hey, Maxi, baby, wake up. It's time to wake up."

Wanda whined.

"I know, kid, but you've gotta get up."

Wanda groaned. "Five more minutes?"

"No, sorry. C'mon, sit up." He helped her sit up.

She rubbed her eyes before noticing something. She looked around, no one was paying any attention to her and Clint.

"What's wrong, Maxi?"

Wanda didn't answer, just pulled back the blanket. She looked down. Her eyes widened at the red stain between her legs.

Clint, of course, immediately knew what had happened. He also knew from Nat had told him that Wanda hadn't gotten her period yet. Which meant this was likely was her very first one. "It's ok, Maxi," He said gently as he could feel her breathing rapidly speeding up. "Don't panic. It's just your period. Don't worry about the sheets, I can guarantee you that this has happened before. It's alright, take a deep breath."

She did, and she kept following his directions until she was calm again. "I don't have anything. I've never had this before. I-"

"It's ok. You shouldn't be upset, you're a woman now, congrats! This explains that stomach ache. But you're gonna need some clean undies and pants. And some pads. Sam can get you some at the counter, then Scott can get you a box when he goes to pick up dinner. It's a big deal only because this is a special event for you. You can have a baby now! Don't, but you can."

Wanda giggled a little.

"Hey, Sam," Clint called.

"Yeah, dude?"

"Can you run down to the front desk and ask for a pad? Wanda just got her period."

"Did she? Congrats, Wanda!" Wanda blushed as the others joined the congratulations.

Sam hurried downstairs, returning a couple of minutes later with a pad.

"I'll get more when I get dinner," Scott said.

"Perfect," Clint said. He gently shooed Wanda into the bathroom with the pad and a change of clothes. "What should we get for dinner?"

"Pizza? You know that place down the block is killer." Scott suggested. The guys agreed.

"Wanda, what do you want to eat?" Steve called to her. "You can have whatever you want that we can get."

"Could you get garlic knots with that pizza?" She asked.

"Of course."


"No problem, doll."

Later that night, they sat crammed in front of the tv, paper plates containing pizza and garlic knots in hand. Wanda snuggled up next to Clint. Something that the Avengers had quickly learned about Wanda was that she was one for physical contact. Holding hands, hugging, cuddling. She felt safer when she could physically feel that someone was with her.

They watched Brave. Sam and Scott tried to pretend that they didn't jump when the "demon bear" first showed up. The others laughed at them, and they gave in, laughing too. 

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