Happy Birthday (The Maximoff Twins)

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Wanda's eyes fluttered open, her brother's body flashing across her eyes. Yesterday was the worst day of her life, hands down. And to make matters worse, it had been their birthday. But now she was in America, a day behind Sokovia. So it was their birthday all over again.

It was pouring rain, which matched her mood. She sighed and pulled herself to her feet. Pietro's grave was in what remained of Sokovia, she had insisted on it. But he had a memorial here at the Avengers facility.

A knock echoed through her quiet room.

"Yes?" She answered dully.

Black Widow- or Natasha or Romanoff, as Wanda was supposed to call her now- opened the door. "I figured you'd be awake, kid. Everyone else won't be up for another two hours, if you want to go explore. The local bakery is open if you're in a donut mood."

"I don't think I'm in any mood other than depressed." Wands muttered.

Nat gave her a sad smile. "I know, kid. I was just thinking you might want to get out while no one will see you." She handed Wanda a phone and a wallet. "That's a mandatory Avengers thing, right there, Wanda. All our numbers are already in it if you need help for any reason. There's a $500 credit card in the wallet."


"You're welcome." Natasha left. A few minutes later, Wanda climbed to her feet. She walked out the door. She figured she would find this bakery. Pietro would want her to eat something, and Wanda had always had a sweet tooth. Not nearly as much as her brother, though. Wanda smirked at the memory of him taking a piece of hard candy from Klaue.

She found the bakery, and sure enough it was open, though Wanda was the only customer.

"Hello!" The woman behind the counter said cheerily in some sort of accent.

"Hi," Wanda replies quietly. Her eyes locked on a blue cupcake. Pietro would have loved that. Maybe she could bring it to his memorial as a birthday gift? It cost less than a dollar. Very cheap compared to how much they were in Sokovia since the civil war started.

The woman noticed and pulled out the cupcake with a smile. "This?"

Wanda nodded shyly.

"Is it a birthday?"

Wanda nodded.

"Yours or someone else's?"


"You twin?"

Wanda nodded.

"Well, happy birthday." She pulled out a red velvet cupcake and put it in a box with the blue frosted one. "No charge. Have a wonderful day."

"Thank you," Wanda said, managing her first smile since the day before.

She bought a bouquet of hydrangeas and daffodils, Pietro's favorites. (A/N picked those flowers for a reason 😉) She found his memorial, putting a force field around it, and on the ground so she wouldn't get wet. She sat down, unwrapping and placing the blue cupcake on the memorial base. She put a candle on it, and lit it with her powers. She sat down. Then she started speaking in Sokovian.

"Hey, Pietro. I miss you, so much that you can't possibly understand it. I mean, honestly. I have a hole in my heart where you used to be. It's big. Even bigger than the bomb's. I want you back. You're gone, and I can't get you back!

"I know that you are in a better place now. I know you're happy except for one thing; that I'm not. And I know that you want me to be happy, I know that you don't like it when I'm sad. I'm trying to be happy, Pietro, I promise. I'm trying for you, but it's been so hard!" Tears starting poring down her face.

"You need a wish, and I know what it is, it's the same every year. You always wish for me to be happy, and I always wish the same for you. I'll wish for the both of us to be happy, ok?" She blew out the candles, crying. She slowly ate her cupcake. When she was done, she almost felt better, it was good, even though she was so sad. She made a mental note to get one when she wasn't grieving her twin's death.

"When I told you to go, I didn't MEAN where I couldn't follow! You were supposed to come back and get me, remember? But I made you leave, and I fought instead of having Clint tell you to come get me, and now you're dead and it's all my fault! I'm so sorry, Pietro!

"Happy birthday." She got up, walking away, back to her room. When she arrived, she looked out her window, from where she could see the memorial. His cupcake had been smashed, and she sobbed. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear us, happy birthday to us."

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