-10 Years (Wanda Maximoff)

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I hope that you guys enjoy this one! I know I did!

And yes. That is little Lizzie Olsen.


"This isn't so bad," Tony said slowly. "I mean, we all are ten years younger, but we still have the same skills and abilities as usual. And we're still in our twenties, so it's not like we're little kids. And Vision isn't affected, due to the whole machine thing. I say we're good."

"Speak for yourself," Wanda muttered. In all the hassle, she'd admittedly been forgotten.

The rest of the Avengers tried and failed to hold back grins at the now nine year old. Her voice was higher pitched than usual. Apparently, the clothes-shrink-with-you thing only happened in movies, because she was struggling to keep her spaghetti strap nightgown on her shoulders. It normally went to her knees. Now, it nearly reached her ankles. To make the whole image even cuter and more comical, she looked to be shorter than the average nine year old.

"Hey, kid, why didn't you tell us how adorable you were?" Tony asked.

Wanda glared at him as the straps of her nightgown and now very much unnecessary bra slipped down again. She angrily pushed them back up.

Natasha laughed a little, sliding a ponytail holder off of her wrist. She walked over to Wanda, stepping behind her. She took the straps in her fist and secured them with the hair elastic. "Wanda, how about you and I head to your room and find something that will work. I'm sure that you have a t-shirt that will fit better than that nightgown."

Wanda nodded, following Nat. Once the were in Wanda's room with the door closed, Nat dug through the dresser, pulling out a red shirt with a belt. "Perfect. Wanda, take off that gown and come here. Bring the hair band."

Wanda slid the gown over her head, struggling to keep her underclothes from falling off. Nat shook her head a little, grinning. It was funny, and Wanda's anger over the situation wasn't helping her look more grown up. She unhooked the bra, letting it fall to the floor. She took the hair tie and secured Wanda's underwear the same way she had the nightgown.

Wand slid the shirt on over her head and buckled it. It looked pretty, actually, not like a too big shirt. "Why do I have to be so little?" She grumped.

"The rest of us are always telling you how tiny are you for a reason. Now you realize that we were right, huh?"

"No, now I realize that you guys are old."

Natasha gently swatted her, and the two headed back to the main room. They hadn't even bothered trying with shoes.

"Hey, look, the pipsqueak is back!" Tony said.

Wanda held up a ball of red energy in her palm. "I will throw this at you."

Tony knelt down next to her. "You're even cute when you're trying to threaten me."

Wanda lunged at him, and Vision quickly yanked her back. "Wanda, how about you save that anger for the villains?"

"Speaking of which, where is the son of a b**** who did this?! I'm going to kill him!"

"Language!" Everyone in the room exclaimed.

"You have got to be kidding me! I might look nine, but I still have the mind of of a nineteen year old!"

Steve shook his head. "Wait... sh**!"


"That mission we were supposed to go on! Wanda might think like a nineteen year old, but she looks nine! She can't fight, it would probably result in child endangerment charges or something!"

"Aw, sh**, you're right!" Natasha exclaimed.

"What the h*** are supposed to do with short stack here?!" Tony yelled.

"HEY!" Wanda screeched.

"I'll call Clint!" Nat said. "I'll call Clint! He's retired, he has three kids, he certainly can watch Wanda if he's not too busy! But she'll probably have to go to school if she'll be there for at least a few weeks, which she will, because that's how long the mission will take. And once we finish it, then and only then, can we fix this." She gestured around at them.

"Yeah, yeah." Steve said. "Have Wanda pack a change of normal clothes for when we get changed back. Wanda, what sized clothes did you wear when you were nine?"

"Well, if you can't tell, I was really tiny, so like a seven or eight."

"That's the size Lila wears! You can borrow some of her clothes."

"I hate this," Wanda muttered.

"We all do," Vision assured her.

Wanda sighed.

Several hours later, Wanda was being handed over to Clint. Clint grinned at her. He turned to Natasha. "This really is amazing."

Wanda growled at him.

"Good god, kid. What are you gonna do, bite me? Laura will take you to the guest room, there's a change of clothes for you."

"Thank you." Wanda ran into the house.

"She's so cute!" Clint said.

"I know!" Nat agreed.

Laura showed Wanda to the guest room- well, her temporary room.

Wanda changed into the clothes, feeling much more comfortable when she did. Stepping out of the room, she heard the baby starting to cry. She ran over to the living room, where Clint was picking up the baby. He kept screaming. Wanda cringed.

"Do you want to see if he'll shut up for you?" Clint asked.

"Sure," Wanda answered. She took the baby. He saw he and immediately stopped crying. Wanda smiled and carefully bounced him, and he fell asleep.

The next day, Wanda found herself at the local elementary school. She was going to seem freakishly smart for a fourth grader. Unless the topic was some sort of American history. "So this is Miss Elizabeth Barton?" The school secretary asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Laura said.

Wanda was posing as Elizabeth Barton, Clint's niece from Romania (to explain the accent).

Wanda and Laura were shown to Wanda's classroom, where Wanda was dropped off.

"Class, this is our new student, Elizabeth Barton." The class said hi. Wanda waved in return. "Elizabeth, why don't you tell us about yourself?" Wanda launched into the memorized script that she had been given.

-Two months later-

Wanda put on her clothes. Finally, the thumbs up had arrived. She was about to be nineteen again! What a relief. Her twentieth birthday was in two days! She would have hated having to celebrate her tenth birthday instead.

A few minutes late, she felt a sharp pain run through her. She closed her eyes instinctively. A few more seconds later, she opened them, and saw herself in the mirror, a bright eyed nineteen year old greeted her. She sighed in relief, grabbing her packed bags and hurrying to the living room, where Clint was waiting to take her back to the tower.

Cooper and Lila ran over and gave her giant hugs. "You'll come visit, right Wandy?" Lila asked.

"Of course!"

Laura tightly embraced her. "See you on Saturday for your Barton birthday party?"

"Of course."

"Remember, Wanda you're an honorary Barton now!"

"I will remember. Bye, Laura, Coop, Li! See you later, Nate!" She kissed the baby's forehead. He giggled. Wanda quickly followed Clint out the door.

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