Mad? (Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff)

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Short, but fluffy, so that makes up for it, I'm sure. I've been spoiling you guys with all my lengthy oneshots.


Wanda twirled a pencil in between her fingers. Everyone else was training, she was bored and trying to see how long it would take the others to notice that she wasn't doing anything. It had been two hours, and not a single soul had noticed-

"MAXIMOFF!" Natasha yelled.

Wanda looked up, giving her a mischievous smile. "What?"

"Get off your a**! How long have you been sitting there?!"

"I don't know. Could have been five minutes... or two hours."

"Wanda, really? Why aren't you training?"

"I don't feel like it."

"You don't feel like it? What are you, sixteen?"

Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, bad choice of words."

"You think?"

"C'mon. You're with me. Let's go kick some training dummy butt."

"Ugh, fine." Wanda pushed herself to her feet, walking over to Nat.

"Ok, so Wanda, I want you to use those red magic-y powers of yours to blow up that row of dummies."

"I don't know... with a row that long, with the angle I'm at, it'll probably blow something else up with it."

"Well, we're going to try. You never know what you could face in battle, you need to be prepared."

"Alright." Wanda shrugged. She conjured up some red energy. As she had expected, it took out more than just the dummies, burning a few punching bags- one of which happened to be the one Tony was practicing on. He burned his hand.

"Hey, kid, what the h***?!"

"Sorry!" She exclaimed, quickly dissipating the fiery energy.

"'Sorry'?! That's all you have to say?"

"What else is there to say? Your majesty?"

"Go to your room!" He yelled aloud. 'Idiot girl,' He thought, forgetting about Wanda's whole mind reading thing. 'Can't even shoot straight. She just has to mess up everything, doesn't she? Good god, what are we going to do with her?!'

Wanda ran off to her room, slamming the door. She climbed onto the bed, pulling the covers over her head. 'Maybe Tony's right,' She thought. 'I can't ever seem to do anything right. After all, I'm the reason Sokovia dropped. If I had just stayed and guarded the key like I was supposed to, it wouldn't have happened.'

She felt a few hot tears starting to trickle down her face as more accusations flowed through her mind. She could barely stay afloat as the thoughts tried to drown her. She ran her fingernails down her forearm to bring her back to reality. She'd been doing that ever since Pietro died.

She heard a knock at the door. "Wanda? Can I come in?" When Natasha didn't hear an answer, she checked to see if the door was locked. It wasn't. "I'll take that as a yes." She turned the knob opening the door. She saw a mound under the blankets- Wanda, no doubt.

"Hey, kiddo," She said, sitting next to the girl. "You know Tony isn't usually like that. He was just mad and surprised. He's over it now, though with his ego I doubt that he'll apologize. No one is mad at you."

"That's not true," Wanda muttered under the blankets.

Nat pulled back the blankets to reveal Wanda's tear-streaked face. "What did he think, Maxi?"

"He thought that I was an idiot, and that I can never do anything right. And that he doesn't know what to do with me."

Nat was furious, but she tried to be logical about the situation. "Wanda, that's horrible, I know. But people think crap they don't mean when they're angry. He didn't mean any of it."

"He hates me."

"He does not hate you."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying. He doesn't hate you. I've seen him hate people. That's not what this is. He just doesn't trust you, the same way that you don't trust him."

"Alright. But he is still mad at me."

"No he's not. I promise. The only one who's mad at you is you. Now, let's head back to training alright? And if he is still mad, your next training lesson will be accuracy. How to hit someone in the face without missing."

Wanda cracked a grin.

"There's that smile. C'mon, kid. Let's go. Time waits for no one!"

She pulled Wanda to her feet and lead her to back to the gym, where the training restarted. 

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