Our New Family (Stucky)

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Yep. A ship oneshot. Confession time: I don't really ship any of the Marvel characters. No idea why. But I have a several ideas for this plot line, so it will be a book. In said book, there will also be a splash of SpiderWitch. I decided on a test audience here.

Things for you to know: This is an AU of sorts. While the Avengers, HYDRA, etc don't exist, mutants do. Steve and Bucky are not from the 40s. They served in the army in Afghanistan. Bucky was pushed out of a train while they were on the front lines. He was nearly killed and lost his arm.

They are an established couple who decided to adopt twins- the Maximoffs. Pietro died in unknown circumstances, but Steve and Bucky decided to continue with their adoption of Wanda. The language I'm using as Sokovian is different than usual, this time I'm using Slovak, since Sokovia was very loosely based on Slovakia. The building is the facility, not the tower, but it's a few stories taller than in the movies.

And that's all the info you should need. On to the story!


Wanda was silent on the drive to the Barnes-Rogers apartment. Bucky glanced back at her, trying to gauge her emotions. She was hard to read though, staring blankly out of the window at the rain.

Steve tried to start a conversation. "I'm sorry about all the rain, kid. I wish it was bright and sunny for your arrival, but, unfortunately, I do not control the weather."

"It's fine." Wanda said quietly.

"Now, you should know we live in a building with a bunch of other people. There's the Starks, Tony, his wife Pepper, and their kids, Peter and Morgan. There's the Bartons, Clint, Laura, and their kids Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel. Then there's Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Victor Stone- we call him Vision, don't ask why- James Rhodes, and Sam Wilson."

"Sväté sr***y!" (I won't even swear in another language, deal with it. It means 'holy sh**!' If you want to know, google it.)

Bucky and Steve laughed, while they didn't understand EXACTLY what it meant, they got the gist.

"No swearing," Steve scolded.

Wanda looked at him like he was crazy. "When are you from, the 1940s?!"

"Why does everyone always ask that?" Steve muttered.

"Because you act like an old man," Bucky replied.

"I do not!"

"You do so, and you know it."

Wanda smiled softly. Then one of the names hit her upside the head. "Stark? Tony Stark? Isn't he a billionaire or something?"

"Yeah, but he's a friend of ours. Technically, we live in one of his buildings."

'Počkaj, musím žiť s STARK?!' She thought, horrified. 'Moji noví otcovia sú PRIATELIA s tým hrozným človekom?!' (Wait, do I have to live with STARK?! My new fathers are FRIENDS with that terrible man?!)

"You look horrified," Bucky said.

Wanda slumped in her seat. "It's fine."

Steve and Bucky glanced at each other doubtfully, but left her alone. They pulled up in front of the building.

Wanda's eyes went wide. This place was HUGE. This was where she was going to live? With a place this big, how often was she even going to see Stark?!

Steve and Bucky started getting out of the car. Bucky grabbed an umbrella, and opened Wanda's door. She climbed out, walking into the building with him. She couldn't stop looking around as they entered. It looked even bigger inside, and was decorated in a very modern style. She had only ever seen buildings anywhere near this once, and that was the flipping airport!

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