Proud (Pietro Maximoff)

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Gods, I hope so^^^ If we're lucky, maybe even more than just flashback scenes.


Pietro smiled as he sat on the floor of Wanda's room, watching his beloved sister draw a picture. A picture of their family that used to live in Pietro's picker rested in a frame on the table. Pietro looked at it, his smile getting slightly wistful.

Wanda quietly hummed a Sokovian lullaby under her breath. Her hair kept falling in her face, and she kept pushing it back. She huffed in annoyance after about the tenth time and pulled it back with a hair elastic.

Pietro laughed at her. The two lifted their heads as someone knocked on the door. Steve walked into room, flashing a smile. "Hey. Whatcha up to?"

"Drawing," Wanda muttered as she gently erased something and redrew it.

"It's very good. Where is it?"

"Sokovia. Pietro and I used run to climb that tree after school. We would sit in the branches and do our homework. We hated homework."

Pietro smiled at the memories, but frowned at Wanda's next words.

"I wish I could do homework now," Her head dropped as she looked down. Pietro knew that she missed going to school. She missed feeling smart. She'd felt rather stupid since coming to America.

It was ridiculous, really. So her English wasn't perfect and she was illiterate in the language. So what if she couldn't do much more than simple multiplication and division? What did it matter? She was trying to learn, and she was new to the country. She was very smart, and always had been. She would catch on. Pietro wouldn't even try.

Steve places his hand on Wanda's back. "Hey, kid. I know it's rough, but it's ok. You just keep working on the alphabet, and long division and such, and you'll get better. Maybe you can even go to school next year, if you work hard enough."

A smile crossed Wanda's face. "I hope so, Steve. Thank you for caring about me. You don't have to be so.... so..." She was at a loss for the word.

"Compassionate?" Steve asked.

Wanda smiled thankfully. "Yeah. Thanks. The only one I'm used to treating me like that is Pietro," She gestured in her brother's direction.

Steve nodded in understanding. "You better get used to it, kid." He left the room.

Wanda smiled and went back to drawing. Pietro watched as her hand glided across the paper, carefully dragging her special drawing pencil that the Avengers had given her across the paper.

He was very proud of her. Who wouldn't be? She was smart, pretty, cool, a wonderful artist and the best sister ever. What wasn't to be proud of? Well, possibly her developing crush on that red toaster...

Pietro was snapped out of his thoughts by a small crash.

"Oh, sh**," Wanda swore in Sokovian. She leaned over to pick up the pen that she had just dropped. Pietro chuckled. That was his sister, all right.

Wanda went back to bed drawing and Pietro took a nap. When he woke back up, Wanda was smiling at her finished sketch. "It's good, isn't it?" She muttered to herself, barely audible.

Pietro smiled at the drawing. "I love it, Sis."

Wanda got up, and carefully set the paper down. She left the room, presuming to talk to someone, likely Natasha.

Pietro stood up, walking over to the drawing. He smiled at it, extremely proud of his little sister for it. It looked like a black-and-white photograph. Pietro loved drawing, too, but Wanda was better at it.

Wanda returned a few minutes later with a bowl. She looked over to the side of the room where Pietro was standing., staring at the Maximoff family photo. She frowned, looking wistful. She glanced over in her brother's direction. She smiled slightly.

For a second, Pietro thought that she could actually see him. But then he sighed, remembering that was impossible. After all, it was impossible for the living to see the spirits of the dead. 

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