Bitty Twins (The Maximoff Twins)- Part One

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Did I steal the title from those old American Girl dolls? Maybe. *Very* original story idea. Totally NOT similar to '-10 Years', why would you think that? They found Bruce in Fiji. (Even though we know he wasn't really in Fiji, but we're gonna ignore that)


Natasha groaned as her alarm went off, burying her face into her pillow. She slammed the off button, and reluctantly got out of bed. She put on her workout clothes and headed to the kitchen for a quick snack. She was surprised to see Clint already there.

"Hey, Clint. What's got you up?"

"Just thought I'd get in some training. I really need to stretch."

Natasha laughed. "You check on the twins yet?"

The twins had been captured by HYDRA a few weeks before, and the Avengers had just gotten them back the previous day.

"Nah. But I was about to."

"Can I come with?"


Nat grabbed a energy bar, and took a bite as they walked to Wanda's room. The twins had been unconscious, so they'd just put them together. They opened the door and didn't expect what they found.

Wanda and Pietro were curled up on the bed. But they were much smaller than they were before. "They... they what? De-aged?" Clint stammered as they walked over to the bed.

"I guess," Nat gently stroked a stray lock of hair behind Wanda's ear. "They're adorable."

"What do you think happened?"

"Probably a HYDRA experiment. Probably used them as guinea pigs."

"Likely, yeah. Do they still have their powers? What do you think they'll remember? Like, did just their bodies get younger, or-"

"I don't know, Clint." Nat huffed. She had no idea how to deal with this. "I really don't know. We should wake them up and take them to Bruce. He's the one most likely to know what to do."


Clint gently shook Pietro's shoulder. "C'mon, brat. Wake up."

Pietro stirred, his eyes slowly opening. "Where-Where am I? Wanda?" He relaxed when he saw his sister still sleeping peacefully beside him. His accent was still very thick, and had to be one of the cutest things Clint had ever heard, but he ignored it.

"Hey, Pietro. You're at the Avengers facility. How much do you remember?"

"Remember about what?" He looked confused.

Clint took that as a sign that the answer was probably nothing. "How old are you?"


"Do you know who I am?"


"Yeah. Clint Barton, really."

"Why am I here?"

"You live here."

"Oh. Well, that's cool," He shrugged.

Nat laughed quietly. "Well, kid. Do you remember your parents and HYDRA?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He sounded confused.

'Ok, so he knows the basics, but not all of it, and has the mentality of a five year old,' Clint concluded. 'The same likely goes for Wanda."

The girl in question woke up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She stretched her arms before sitting up. "Where are we?"

"The Avengers fa-fac- house," He said, giving up on the large English word. "I guess we live here? That's what Cwint said." Pietro pointed at Clint.

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