Selfish (Wanda Maximoff)

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Warning here for angsty-ness


Five minutes. That was how long she'd lasted without her brother. She had defied all laws of nature to bring him back from the grave. Her powers were clearly otherworldly.

In that moment, she didn't care. In that moment, she cared about nothing other than bringing her brother back. In that moment, all she cared about was not being alone.

That moment was four months ago. And while she didn't regret her actions, her chest ached with lingering guilt. Pietro had been different since he came back.

No one else seemed to notice. He cracked jokes, and played video games with his new American friends who were their age. Most people would think he was overjoyed that he had gotten another chance at life. But not Wanda. Wanda didn't believe that for a second. Why not? Because her brother had avoided her ever since she'd saved his life.

She spent hours every day, wondering if she did something wrong. She knew she was selfish. In those five minutes, Pietro didn't feel any pain. He was with their parents. He was probably happy. And with her selfishness she took that away from him. He was angry with her for it.

She still felt happy every time she saw him, though she also felt like crying. It used to be that Pietro would often cave into her whims. What she wanted to do, he would usually do. But not now. Now every time she tried to talk to him, he would always say, "Not now, Wanda", "No, Wanda", "Go away, Wanda", or "Leave me alone, Wanda."

She pulled out her guitar, playing a song she'd been learning. It was one of her favorites. Was she practiced the tune, she heard Pietro and his friends cheering about their game from his room next to hers. She cringed. They were so loud. But whatever. Pietro had been dead. He deserved to do whatever he wanted without her interference.

She got up, leaving the room to get a small snack. She ran into Pietro- literally. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Piet!"

He rolled his eyes. "Ok, whatever."

"What are you doing?" She asked, desperately trying to start a conversation.

"Going to get snacks."

"What are you getting? I can get it for you."

"I can get it myself, Wanda."

"I know, but I was just-"

"Wanda, go back to your book or something. I've got it. I don't need you for everything."

Wanda felt like she'd been stabbed. She looked down, her cheeks flushing. "I know, but-"

"Godd***it, Wanda! Stop it with the buts. I've GOT IT."

Wanda took a step back. He rarely yelled at her so harshly. His gaze seemed to make her shrink. Her eyes stung with a salty liquid. "Ok, I'm sorry." She walked back into her room before flinging herself on the bed, tears rolling down her face.

He really was mad at her. How could she have been so selfish as to bring him back? Everyone would have been fine, would have continued on well in life after his death. But she couldn't handle it. So she brought him back, only to please herself. Never a single thought to what HE wanted. He'd CHOSEN to sacrifice his life for Clint. He chose death over life. But he also chose a virtual stranger over her. And that hurt. A lot.

But she told herself she was just being selfish. Everything was just about her, her, her. No wonder Pietro didn't love her anymore.

It's amazing what a single thought can do. A single thought has the ability to change your entire view of the world and what's around you. A mind-shattering thought. That's what Wanda's last thought was.

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