All Alright (Wanda Maximoff)

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I like the band Fun. if you didn't pick up on that 😂


"Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright. Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright." Wanda hummed along quietly to the music as she halfheartedly sketched in her notebook.

She loved this song; it reminded her of herself. She wasn't paying attention too much to what she was drawing. A loud knock signaled that someone was at her door. "Come in!"

"Well, I got the call as soon as the day hit night. As soon as the headlights lit up the west side. It stopped the car and came outside.

"Cuz I know that tone, I remember the first time. We waste upon parallel lines. Waitin' for a friend to call and say they're still alive."

Natasha walked in, coming over to Wanda. "Nice picture."

"Thanks," Wanda said, glancing at it. She realized it was one of her brother. He was smiling at a girl holding a dress- Zrinka. It was the night they'd met Ultron and she'd teased Pietro about being a flirt- though he hadn't actually given Gertie a dress. It was a jacket. Henceforth, the teasing about Gertie's being warm. She smiled at the memory. God, how she missed Pietro.

"Isn't that the girl whose brother Pietro saved?"

Wanda nodded. "Yeah, Zrinka. Her brother is Costel. Always getting into trouble, that one."

"Looks like Pietro's the one causing trouble in that picture."

Wanda laughed. "I don't even know how I managed to draw this. I teased Pietro about flirting with every girl in Sokovia right after he gave that dress to her. She was so annoyed, as was he. For different reasons, obviously."

Natasha laughed. "Was he? Flirting with every girl, that is."

"Ha, no. Just two, Nia and Gertie."

"What a good sister you are."

"I know, right? And he didn't even get me a dress for all that effort. It wasn't easy being his twin sister, lemme tell ya."

"I'm sure it wasn't. Now, we have a mission in five. Apparently, you are going to be the distraction. Since this in Eastern Europe, you won't even have to cover up your accent."

"What's the mission?"

"A HYDRA agent is pulling off his heist during his son's eighteenth birthday party. We're supposed to stop him. I think you're supposed to be singing."


"Ick, what? You've got a nice voice. Plus, it'll be music you like, anyway."

"That doesn't mean I want to."

"Oh, suck it up."

A few hours later, Wanda was singing in front of several dozen high schoolers. She noticed the agent's son had his eyes on her, but she ignored it.

The song was chosen by the birthday boy. Ironically, it was the same song Wanda had been listening to earlier. She kicked off into the next verse, pretending that this wasn't embarrassing to her.

"I've given everyone I know a good reason to go. I'm surprised you stuck around long enough to figure out.

"Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright. Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright."

Shifting into the "ohhhh"s of the song, she couldn't help but wonder how much longer until this mission was over.

"And now all my loves come back to haunt me. My regrets detect and to taunt me. I never claim to be more than a one night stand and-

"I've given everyone I know a good reason to go. But I came back with a belief that everyone I love is gonna leave me.

"Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright. Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright."

Wanda saw Natasha creep out from the basement, giving her a thumbs up, saying the mission was over. That was followed by a gesture that clearly meant that she needed to finish the song. The others crept out with Nat, leaning unnoticed against the wall. Wanda's embarrassment increased with her teammates there.

She did her best to shake off the awful feeling, and continued the song.

"I know, oh yeah. You're falling from the sun. Crashing through the clouds, I see you turn it out. And I know, oh, know, that I put up a front. But maybe just these words, oh let me keep these words." Her voice poured with sincerity, and she knew it. The Avengers watched, listening.

"Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright. Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright."

Wanda failed to notice that her teammates also picked up on the sincerity that her voice swelled with.

"Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright. Yeah, it's all alright. I guess it's all alright. I got nothin' left inside of my chest, but it's all alright."

The next day, back at the tower, Sam confronted Wanda. "Hey, kid. You wanna make some cookies? I'm starving, and hey, if there's anything this crazy family bonds over, it's cookies. That is, when Tony and Nat don't just about get into a brawl about one of them eating more cookies than the other."

Wanda laughed. Everyone knew Tony could be childish, but few knew that about Natasha Romanoff. Then a word Sam has said caught her attention. Family?

Sure, she realized that the Avengers often acted like a big family, but she'd never seen herself as part of that. After all, she HAD fought them. Didn't that kind of forfeit her from a familial role? She thought so.

"Speaking of which, why haven't I seen at stuff more often? You don't ever join us for cookies or board games. Why not? Are we too old and boring for you?"

Wanda snorted. "No. I just feel like its better for me to sit some stuff out."

"That's ridiculous. We always want you there. We invite you for a reason."

Wanda shrugged, not really knowing what to say.

"C'mon," Sam said, taking her by the hand. He dragged her to the kitchen. "Cookie time! Get the flour, eggs, chocolate chips, milk..."

Wanda started using her telekinesis to grab the items he listed.

An hour later, the Avengers were gathered around the living room. Wanda was sitting with Clint on one side of her and Sam on the other. They were all munching on the delicious cookies- which were exactly the way Wanda liked: crispy outside, caky center- and arguing in a good-natured fashion.

Clint slipped his arm around her waist, and she leaned against him. It was a familiar position for her, as she and Pietro often cuddled like that. Clint's strong, fatherly hold on her was relaxing. Before she knew it, she was drifting off to sleep, surrounded by her bickering family. She surprised herself. For the first time in forever, she truly was all alright.

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