One Small Thing (The Maximoff Twins)

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Hey, TrivialFantasy, thanks for voting! This one goes out to you! I'm gonna start including the twins' age now, given the debate over how old they are, and while I usually try to slip it in, I'm just putting it here now, so it'll be more obvious when I vary it. So the twins' age in this oneshot: 16. This oneshot is SO not canon 😂


Wanda Maximoff leaned against the wall of the run down apartment in Novi Grad, Sokovia. Her twin brother, Pietro, paced across the floor, muttering to himself. "Pietro, stop it," She said, her voice heavily accented. "You are literally turning the floor black."

Pietro immediately stopped, looking at the train behind him. "Oops."

"'Oops'?" Wanda repeated. "That is all you have to say?"

"What else is there?"

"I dunno, maybe whatever it is that you are mumbling about."

"Oh. I'm just trying to come up with an idea here. So, we ditched HYDRA, and joined some robot thing in hopes of getting revenge on Stark." He scoffed. "Never thought that we would end up here, Sister, did you?"

"Not exactly this way. But, Pietro, we are getting what we wanted."

"True." He pulled a small picture out of his pocket. He sighed. "Do you think that Máma and Táta would be proud of us?"

"Of course they would, why wouldn't they be?"

"It's just... Máma was always so against violence and now, here we are-"

"We're AVENGING her and Táta. It's not like it is some useless slaughter!"

"I guess you are right."

It was Wanda's turn to scoff. "When am I not right?"

Pietro threw a dress at her, hitting her in the face with it. "Just pack, you little pest."

"You know you love me!" She teased.

He sighed, walking over and kissing her head. "I do. That does not make you less of a pest," He added.

She gave him a small shock of red energy.


"No, I won't," Pietro argued. "I might get shot at if I keep stealing, but I certainly will not get shot. I am the speed of light, Sis. Bullets cannot hit me."

"I would rather not test that theory."

Pietro rolled his eyes. "So what do we do now? Hide and hope Ultron doesn't find us?"

"I don't know."

They passed a store with a tv in the window. Something about the Avengers fighting some of the sentries in downtown.

"Should we help with that?" Pietro asked.

"I guess it is partially our mess, we should help clean it up."

"I suppose you are right." He scooped her off her feet, taking off for downtown. They were there in seconds.

Captain America noticed them, and looked between them and the runaway train, as if he was trying to figure out which he should handle first.

"It's alright, Icicle. We are here to help with that," Pietro said.

"Don't get used to it," Wanda quipped.

Cap nodded, not arguing. "Blondie, Get the civilians out of the way."

Pietro nodded, racing off after dropping off Cap and his sister off on the train.

"Girl twin, can you stop the train?"

"I can try." She braced herself so the force wouldn't send her flying, and focused on stopping the train. Red energy flew from her hands, and with a loud, atrocious screeching sound, it slowly came to a stop with a jolt. She and Cap hurried out of the train. She ran to the exhausted Pietro, steadying him.

"I am alright, Wanda, I am fine."

"You say that every time you over exert yourself." She rolled her eyes, waiting until he was steady again.

Rodgers walked up to them. "Nice going," He said grudgingly. "Iron Man has the cradle and the body, so don't worry about that."

The twins exchanged glances.

"Are you sure about that?" Wanda asked skeptically.

"Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right."

"Stark, come in. Anyone on comms?"

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that from?"


Pietro destroyed another one of Ultron's sentries. 'You do not get to mess with my town,' He thought smugly. He sensed something was off, and he turned around to see Hawkeye carrying a little boy. He noticed guns cocking, and he knew were they were aimed. He took off at a run, tackling Hawkeye and the kid to the ground as Hawkeye just started to shield the kid.

"You didn't see that coming?" He joked as he climbed to his feet. He quickly took down a few more robots.

After a couple more hours, the city slowly sank back into place. The handful of remaining Novi Grad citizens ran to safety. Pietro ran to where he knew his twin sister would be. He found her, mildly injured, but nothing of great concern. He grabbed her in a tight hug, kissing the side of her head.

"You ok?" She asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, what about you?"

She just nodded.

"Díky Bohu." (Thank God) He ran his thumb over the two cuts over her eye. She cringed. "We have to get those patched up. The longer one looks like it'll scar."

Wanda shrugged. "It's fine."

"Yeah." He picked her up, running to where the other Avengers were waiting.

"You two coming?" Black Widow asked. "I guess you could stay here if you want, as this is where you live. But we would prefer you come to Avengers tower."

The twins had a quick telepathic conversation. Then they nodded in agreement.

"Could we come back to help with the cleanup?" Pietro asked skeptically.

"Of course," Hawkeye reassured him.

"I guess we'll come."


"Yeah, great," Wanda muttered.

The twins climbed aboard after the Avengers, taking a seat. They soon fell asleep from exhaustion. 

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