Jsme Tu Pro Vás (Avengers)

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I say "Avengers" like this isn't 99% Wanda...

TW: Anorexia 


Wanda stared into the mirror. Since when did her appearance matter to her? Because she was sure she hadn't given it a second thought before. But ever since she joined the Avengers, something had changed.

They were making sure that she was eating regularly, because it was good for her. Plus, she had been drastically underweight when she joined up. The doctor was happy that she was finally at a normal weight, but... Wanda wasn't. She was so used to being completely scrawny that actually being a normal size made her feel fat.

She knew it was ridiculous, she still looked skinny to most people. But going from 70 pounds to 125 was a huge change. A change that made her uncomfortable. Like, that was a lot compared to what she was... almost double her old weight... she just felt fat.

She glanced at the pizza Steve had brought her, knowing that she was caught up in her new book and wouldn't want to eat with everyone else. She felt her stomach growl. She glanced between the mirror, the food, and her stomach. A glance that she would later deeply regret. She got up, and shoved the plate into the trash can.


A month later, most of what she had eaten, she only had because the others were watching her, and she threw it up as soon as she was back in her room. She had dropped in weight a lot. She was at 90 pounds now. A weight she was mostly happy with. It was still 20 pounds more than she was. She still didn't feel as carefree as she had, but it was more about maintaining her weight this time. She just hoped that she didn't get caught.

Wanda found herself puking over a toilet again about two weeks later. She had eaten too much at once, and she couldn't stomach it. This habit had cost her ten more pounds, and while she wasn't too bothered by that, she knew the others would flip if they found out.

She glanced towards the small scale on the floor as she wiped her mouth off. She brushed her teeth vigorously, trying to cover up the smell so no one would know. Something that she had grown familiar with doing.

"Whatcha up to, squirt?" A feminine voice behind her asked suddenly.

Wanda whipped her head around to see Natasha leaning against the wall. "Oh, Nat, you scared me!"

"I heard you puking. You feeling alright?" She put the back of her hand on Wanda's forehead and cheeks. "You don't feel fever-y to me."

"I'm fine, Nat. Just ate too much."

Nat gave her a suspicious look. "You didn't even get seconds."

"I- I just wasn't hungry," Wanda stuttered.

"Yeah, ok. So this isn't important at all?" There was an edge to Nat's voice as she held up an open journal with Wanda's weight recorded in it. It had been given to Wanda by the doctor to help her keep track of her weight, and Wanda had definitely put it to use.

"It isn't what it looks like, I swear!" Wanda said, panicky.

"Oh, so you don't weigh 80 pounds?"

Wanda's face flushed and she looked at the tile floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Why, Wanda? Why?" Nat sounded so... broken. Wanda had never heard her sound like that.

"I-I don't know."

"You DO know," Nat said, much more aggressively. "Why?"

"I- it's stupid."

"Your health isn't 'stupid', Wanda." Nat dragged Wanda to the bed and they sat down. "Now tell me why."

"I just- ugh, I felt fat, ok? Like, I know it was stupid, but I never felt self-conscious in Sokovia! But when I came here, and I started gaining weight, at first I was happy. But then, I started to get less and less skinny, and at some point I stopped feeling happy. I started eating less and throwing up a month and a half ago. I stopped once I hit ninety, the rest of the loss was from not being able to stomach as much! Like I said, it's stupid." She buried her head between her knees. "I'm an idiot."

"What you DID was stupid, Wanda. You aren't. There is a difference, you know," Nat said gently. "C'mere." She pulled Wanda into a hug.

"You don't mind if we join the party, do you?" A new voice asked. It sounded like Clint- wait, CLINT?!

The girls looked up to see Steve and Clint standing in the doorway, smiling sadly. "How-how long have you been standing there?!" Wanda stammered.

"Long enough," Steve said. The two men joined them, Clint pulling Wanda onto his lap. She leaned against him.

She sensed two other minds. "Sam, Rhodey, I know you're there."

There was a nervous laugh from Sam and a quiet "D***it," from Rhodey. They materialized in the doorway as well.

Wanda was blushing from embarrassment, that was obvious to even her. The heat in her face gave it away pretty well.

Sam knelt on the floor, taking her face in his hands. "Listen here, Maxi. There's nothing for you to be embarrassed about. It's mental illness, not some stupid broken vase or something. It's important, and we're here to HELP you, not insult you. We don't like you like this, and we want you better."

"I feel like I'm missing something," Tony's voice rang out. "Don't you, Vizh?"

The group looked up sheepishly at Tony at the Vision. "Wanda has anorexia," Rhodey explained.

"Oh," Tony said, surprise obvious in his voice.

Vision simply looked like he had no idea how to react. If he didn't have the Internet at his robotic fingertips, Natasha would've wondered if he even knew what that was.

The last two Avengers found their way over, too. Neither really knew what to do, other than be there.

"We're here for you. We're always going to be here for you, kid, and we don't want you to ever think otherwise. Right, guys?" Nat said.

Everyone else nodded and made sounds of agreement.

"We'll help you," Vision said firmly.

"I'll make sure you get as much food as you can eat until you get back to normal," Clint said.

"I'll make sure you get the best therapist there is," Tony stated. "Along with Wilson, of course."

Everyone pitched in with things they would do to help.

Wanda smiled. She felt so grateful. It had been a long time since she felt so cared for. The Avengers really were her family now. And she was going to do her best to make them happy. 


Jsme tu pro vás- "We're here for you"

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