Papa Clint (Clint Barton)

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After the Raft prison, Wanda struggles to recover, both mentally and physically. Daddy Hawk decides he has to step in.


Clint cringed as he walked into Wanda's cell. She was leaning back against the wall. Her head was bowed, her eyes closed. "Hey, Maxi," Steve said quietly.

Wanda's eyes opened slowly. She didn't move her head, but her eyes looked up. After seeing it was really Steve, tears welled in her eyes and a smile flickered on her face.

But her smile didn't reach her eyes. She looked so depressed and defeated. The shock collar wrapped around her neck and the straightjacket didn't help matters. Clint felt his heart drop.

Steve quickly knelt down. Clint ran over, and carefully pulled her into his lap. Steve removed the collar, getting a pitiful screeching cry of pain from the young woman as it shocked her one final time. Clint was determined that she'd never find herself in it again.

Steve undid the jacket, releasing her. She shivered- she had only been wearing a bra under it. Clint felt anger boil up in him, but he slipped off his outer shirt and slipped it onto Wanda.

She didn't even try to help him get the shirt on. That confused him. "Wanda, can you run?"

She didn't answer.


She shook her head slightly.

Clint realized that the collar must have traumatized her, and she was scared to talk or move even though she was safe. "Can you walk?"

Another shake 'no'.

Clint sighed, mixed negative emotions filling him. He gently scooped her up. She didn't smell good at all. Had they let her shower? He didn't think so. As soon as they were safely at some hotel or something, he would send her to clean up.

She didn't relax until halfway into the flight, when she fell asleep. When they arrived at the hotel- they had decided to not go directly to Wakanda so as not to draw attention- she woke up, fussing. It reminded Clint of when Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel got nightmares.

He looked at her sadly. "We're here, Maxi. Can you get up?"

She shrugged slightly. Clint helped her to her feet. Her knees immediately buckled, and she almost made Clint fall. "So no, then," Clint grumbled as he picked her up. He carried her to the room. Sam pulled back the blankets on one of the beds, and Clint set her down.

"I have a few changes of clothes for you guys," Steve said. "Along with some other stuff."

"Wanda, do you want to clean up?" Clint whispered in her ear. "Like take a bath or something?"

She nodded again, still rather lethargic.

Suddenly a thought struck Clint. "Will you need help?"

Wanda shrugged.

Clint sighed. After thinking it through for a few minutes, he asked. "Wanda, if I help you get dressed and undressed, can you do the rest yourself?"

She started to nod, but then stopped. "Help... hair?" She stammered. Her voice was raspy and barely audible.

"Help with your hair?" Clint asked.

Wanda nodded.

"Hey, Scott! Can you go run a bath for her?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course."

"C'mon, Wanda." He got up.

She reached out for him, cringing as she did so. That's when Clint really noticed the bruises on her arms. Between the shocks and the straightjacket, her arms probably hurt like h***. He picked her up as gently as he could. She draped her arms around his shoulders.

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