Living Miracles (Clint Barton/ The Maximoff Twins)

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AU again. Twins' age: 15


"There's nothing more horrifying than a miracle." -Wolfgang von Strucker

Clint Barton sat in between the unconscious twins, facing Pietro. What had happened was still racing through his head.



Clint was staring at the limp body of Pietro Maximoff. Bullet wounds were scattered around his chest and abdomen. His chest was still, his eyes unclosed. It was awful. A kid, dead after protecting him. It should have been the other way around.

His heart clinched even more when the Vision walked in carrying the listless body of Pietro's sister, Wanda. She must not have been able to get out of the flying section of the city before Tony and Thor had to demolish it. Clint felt nauseous as the twins' words replayed in is head.

'It's my job.' Wanda.

'You didn't see that coming?' Pietro.

They were KIDS. They shouldn't have been out there in the first place. He should have just told Wanda to stay put. He should have told Pietro to go get her and bring them both to safety. But he hadn't. And now they were both dead.

As Vision moved Wanda to lie her next to her brother, her chest started moving. It was slow and small enough that only Vision had been able to pick it up. He looked stunned as he froze in place. Clint and Steve stared at him, confused as to why he wasn't putting the girl down. Then Pietro stirred, and his eyes slid shut.

"She's breathing. They both are," Vision explained, dumbstruck. "I could have sworn-"

"It doesn't matter," Helen Cho interrupted. "They are both breathing, but only barely. And they won't last much longer. Get them on those gurneys!" She gestured to the back of the craft, where a few gurneys and critical medical equipment were set up. Clint grabbed Pietro and he and Vision took off, quickly setting the twins down. Dr. Cho hooked them up to some breathing equipment, and soon the twins were basically being forced to breathe.

Dr. Cho yelled at a couple of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents to grab the mobile X-ray and MRI machines. She got to work on figuring out what to do with the kids.

End flashback


Clint sighed, rubbing his face. Dr. Cho said that the duo was fighting- fighting hard. She said if they made it through the night, and the next, they would probably make it.

"What about if they make it the night after?" Steve questioned.

Dr. Cho smiled. "If they make it to that point, I'm certain they will recover. In fact, if they continue healing at the rate they are now, we should be able to wean them off life support in a few days."

Clint and Steve both breathed a sigh of relief. The twins looked so fragile, hooked up to a gazillion machines, with so many tubes coming out of them. The flimsy hospital-type gowns they were wearing.

"Though I do have to say this-" Dr. Cho said seriously. "If they do make it through the next couple of nights, we will have to do another surgery on Wanda. As you know, she took some nasty blunt force trauma and suffered from several internal injuries. One of those injuries was to her esophagus. We were able to fix it with some stitches, but it will take a few months for it to heal completely. So, the result is that Miss Maximoff will need a more permanent feeding tube, like a G-tube or a PEG. Not fun, but it'll get enough nutrition in her until she can eat properly again."

"Got it," Steve said. "She should only need it for a few months?"

"That is correct."

"I think that we can handle a few months. How long do you think it will take Pie-"

"Less time than his sister. His superspeed also causes accelerated healing, so it won't take to long for those injuries to heal up nicely. A perk that his sister unfortunately lacks.

"And a question I really need to know the answer to: What happened? How are they alive? Because I checked that boy, and he was as dead as a doornail. How could they both have suddenly jolted back?"

"I have no idea," Clint admitted.

"Well, what were they doing? Were they both touching something? And if they were, what the h*** was it?"

"I don't remember any details," Steve said, trying hard to recollect what had happened.

Suddenly Clint realized something. "Each other! They were touching each other! Vision went to put her down, and her hand touched the top of his, and suddenly they were both breathing!"

"Are you sure?" Cho asked.


"How is that even possible? I mean, seriously, how could that have even happened? It's not scientifically possible!" She shook her head. "There are a lot of questions here, but currently none of them have answers. I suppose the twins themselves might be able to fill us in when they wake up, but this is phenomenal."

There was a knock at the infirmary's door, and a sheepish redheaded girl walked in. Her hazel eyes darted around for a minute. Clint recognized her as sixteen year old Susan Clemmings, the little sister of Agent Bethany Clemmings. She was holding a medium sized wooden box in her arms.

"Hey, Susan," Steve said. "Whatcha got there?"

"Oh, this is an old jewelry box. Agent Romanoff asked if anyone had an extra one, to put the Maximoff girl's jewelry in, since she can't exactly wear it, and some of it looked like real gold and stuff, so she didn't want it getting lost or something. And I happened to have one since my mom, grandma, and great grandma collected them, so we've always have lots. This was just gathering dust, so I thought, 'why not let her use it' y'know, and- I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"A little," Steve admitted.

"I'm sorry, I do that a lot. Umm, so they jewelry. Do you want me to put it in the box, or no. Do you want me to leave the box where the jewelry is now, or do you want me to put it in her room-"

"Go ahead and put the jewelry in the box, it's in the metal dish by her bed. And then you can put the box on her dresser in her room. When you get to the wing with the Avengers' rooms, it's the third to last door on the right."

"Thank you!" Susan scurried over to the table, and was gone in a couple of minutes. Steve left soon after her.

Clint burried his head in his hands again. The Maximoff twins- those kids were something else.


I've been considering writing this and making it a book for a while, what do you guys think? Should I do it? Would you read it if I did?

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